





當一個英文句子只有ㄧ組主詞跟動詞時,我們稱它為簡單句。在這個部分,我們藉由簡單句來探討句子的要素。一個句子可以沒有形容詞,句子也可以沒有副詞 (不過,有些動詞(例如put)需要副詞才能表達一個完整的語意),依然可以表達一個完整的意思。但是,有些部分是句子的基本元素,少了其中之一,這個句子就不正確了,這些部分就是英文句子的要素。簡介如下:

  • 每個句子的第一個字要大寫,專有名詞也要大寫
  • 每個簡單句的句子一定要有,也只能有一組主詞跟動詞 (祈使句並不是沒有主詞,他的主詞是you,即使被省略了,讀者或聽話者依然清楚做動作者是誰。)
    *如果主詞(或動詞)由兩個部分構成,其間要有連接詞連接,這一類連接主詞或動詞的連接詞為and, or, nor等。如果主詞(或動詞)超過兩個部分,前面要有逗號隔開,並在最後的主詞或動詞前加上連接詞
  • 一個完整的句子要能表達一個完整的意思,所以,依據動詞的不同,後面可能要接補語、一個受詞、一個受詞後面再接上受詞補語、兩個受詞(直接受詞跟間接受詞),句子才能完整,意思才清晰
  • 在句子的結尾,ㄧ定要有一個表示結束的標點符號,依照作者想要表達的情緒使用句號、驚嘆號或問號


  1. Mary the pizza on the table.
  2. How beautiful the dog!
  3. I afraid of dogs.
  4. I by bus to school.
  5. She did not like.
  6. My mother put too much sugar.
  7. he ran to the park.
  8. Where is she.
  9. My mother let me.
  10. John frequently to Japan.
  11. She either went to a movie, stayed at home.
  12. There used to a lot of trees.
  13. What a day.
  14. My friend his dog went for a walk.
  15. He told me.
  16. Mary John and their friends went shopping together.
  17. The movie made me
  18. John looked after a big meal.


  1. Mary the pizza on the table.
  2. How beautiful the dog!
  3. I afraid of dogs.
  4. I by bus to school.
    少了動詞,by bus不是動詞,要放在句尾
  5. She did not like.
  6. My mother put too much sugar.
  7. he ran to the park.
  8. Where is she.
  9. My mother let me.
  10. John frequently to Japan.
  11. She either went to a movie, stayed at home.
  12. There used to a lot of trees.
    there當虛主詞,後面一定要有be動詞,used to 後面少了be
  13. What a day.
  14. My friend his dog went for a walk.
  15. He told me.
  16. Mary John and their friends went shopping together.
  17. The movie made me
  18. John looked after a big meal.
    如果look after是為照顧,語意很奇怪。而look當動詞看起來,這個句子則少了補語,如satisfied等


當一個句子有兩組以上的主詞跟動詞時,就需要用連接句子的連接詞來連接,這時他們就不是簡單句了。這類句子,根據連接詞的種類,分為以下幾種 (近一步了解,請閱讀『理解英文句子結構』一文):

  • 複合句 – 用對等連接詞連接兩個或以上句子,表示兩個句子的重要性一樣
    *對等連接詞為:for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so (用fanboys來記,就不容易忘記)
  • 複雜句 – 一個主要子句,接上用從屬連接詞或關係詞帶領的另外的子句。連接詞與其帶領的子句構成句子的一部份 (名詞、形容詞或副詞),為從屬子句,不可單獨存在
    進一步理解名詞子句,請閱讀『what, that, which的用法差別 – 名詞子
  • 混合句 – 這種句子中至少三組主詞動詞,連接詞使用對等連接詞,也有從屬連接詞或關係詞


  1. 忘了使用連接詞
  2. 將副詞誤以為是連接詞
  3. 忘了打逗號
  4. 在錯誤的地方打句號
  5. 還有不會斷句,整個段落都用逗號,直到段落結束才打句號(這一點應該是受中文作文影響。

下面舉出幾個這一類型的錯句,請學習者先自己試著找出錯誤來,我們在後面會提供一個改寫的建議 (因為這類錯誤有些有不只一種訂正的方法。)

  1. After we finished lunch.  We went back to the office.
  2. It is a lot of fun playing basketball with other children out in the field, when it is autumn, the weather is cooler. 
  3. I didn’t understand what he said.  Because he spoke very quickly.
  4. No matter how hard the task is just do it.
  5. She does not like me, she does not like my brother, either.
  6. He can only speak little English, however, he is planning to travel around the United States alone. 
  7. Neil Armstrong who was the first man to walk on the moon died in 2012.
  8. Once you have finished, check your answers, the answer key is at the end of this test.
  9. She told me all the things. She was learning.
  10. If you finish answering all the questions turn to page 234. 


  1. After we finished lunch we went back to the office.
    after SV是副詞子句不能單獨存在,要將句號改成逗號
  2. In autumn, when the weather is cooler, it is a lot of fun playing basketball with other children out in the field. 
    *也可改成兩句- The weather is cooler in autumn. It is a lot of fun playing basketball with other children out in the field. 
  3. I did not understand what he said, because he spoke quickly.
    because帶領副詞子句不能單獨存在。原本副詞子句後寫,前面是不需要逗號的。但是,在這裡because帶領的副詞子句是主要子句的動詞did not understand的原因,所以在because的句子前面用逗號與名詞子句what he said這個名詞子句隔開,讓讀者ㄧ下就知道because的句子修飾主要子句
  4. No matter how hard the task is, just do it.
  5. She does not like me, nor does she like my brother.
  6. He can only speak little English; however, he is planning to travel around the United States alone. 
    however不是連接詞,可以改用but當連接詞; 或將however前面的句子打句號,分成兩句; 也可以打分號,再接however, 跟之後的句子。
  7. Neil Armstrong, who was the first man to walk on the moon, died in 2012.
    Neil Armstrong是人名,之後的形容詞子句要用逗號與主要子句隔開 (補述用法)
  8. Once you have finished, check your answers.  The answer key is at the end of this test.
  9. She told me all the things (that) she was learning.
    She was learning這個句子語意不完整,少了受詞,無法單獨存在。而被學習的東西很明顯是前面的all the things,可以得知,she was learning是all the things的形容詞子句,所以跟前面句子合併,連接詞that可以省略。
  10. If you finish answering all the questions, turn to page 234. 

段落修改 – 句子的要素上的錯誤



  1. The most impressive museum I have been to the CHIMEI Museum which is located in Tainan City, Taiwan. It has a large collection of Western artifacts and artworks, in addition, CHIMEI Museum has a large yard, people can take a rest or a picnic there.
  2. I always feel exhausted after finishing a complicate task, thinking for a long time, maybe it because my brain consumes a lot of energy. Moreover, once I tired I can not concentrate on my task, and may make mistakes easily. To avoid such a situation. I would take a rest every once in a while.
  3. I always think too much. When I am dealing with a problem. Afraid of making a mistake I will try every means to find a better solution, in this way, I can often get the best result. 
  4. However overthinking not only takes me too much time, also makes me tired and look indecisive. I need to adjust the mode of my thinking. In order to think more intuitively and quickly.
  5. Food processing is any method is used to change the natural state of food.  It can increase shelf life of food, make it more delicious. However, many studies have shown processed food has several negative effects on our health.
  6. The most common problem is obesity, processed foods usually contain a lot of fat and sugar. People, especially children, overeat such foods will become fat easily.
  7. most foods sold in supermarkets are processed. They contain artificial additives. People have too much processed food have a higher chance of developing  colorectal cancer.


  1. The most impressive museum I have been to is the CHIMEI Museum, which is located in Tainan City, Taiwan. It has a large collection of Western artifacts and artworks. In addition, CHIMEI Museum has a large yard. People can take a rest or a picnic there.
  2. I always feel exhausted after finishing a complicate task or thinking for a long time. Maybe it is because my brain consumes a lot of energy. Moreover, once I am tired, I can not concentrate on my task, and may make mistakes easily. To avoid such a situation, I would take a rest every once in a while.
  3. I always think too much when I am dealing with a problem. Afraid of making a mistake, I will try every means to find a better solution. In this way, I can often get the best result. 
  4. However, overthinking not only takes me too much time, but it also makes me tired and look indecisive. I need to adjust the mode of my thinking in order to think more intuitively and quickly.
  5. Food processing is any method used to change the natural state of food.  It can increase shelf life of food, and make it more delicious. However, many studies have shown processed food has several negative effects on our health.
  6. The most common problem is obesity. Processed foods usually contain a lot of fat and sugar. People, especially children, overeat such foods, will become fat easily.
  7. Most foods sold in supermarkets are processed. They contain artificial additives. People who have too much processed food have a higher chance of developing colorectal cancer.


最近我也出書囉! 這本書是我教書三十年來的精華,結合了跟家長們一起學習的經驗。我把很多適合親子互動的學習方法整理出來,專門給家裡有 4-8 歲孩子的家長,希望這本書能幫助你們和孩子一起快樂成長、共同學習英文!





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