一個句子只能有一個主詞跟動詞,這是句子最基本的要素。沒有主詞(除了祈使句省略you),就不是句子; 同樣地,沒有動詞也不是句子。這樣的句子,就叫做簡單句。下面先舉出幾個簡單句的例子,在句中,主詞畫底線,而動詞用粗體字標示出來。
- Last Friday, David got up too late.
- His mother took him to school by motorcycle.
- On the way, they had an accident.
- David was hurt badly.
- His mother sent him to the hospital.
- She called his teacher.
- She asked for a sick day off for David.
- Last Friday, David got up too late, so his mother took him to school by motorcycle.
- On the way, they had an accident, and David was hurt badly.
- After his mother sent him to the hospital, she called David’s teacher and asked for a sick day off for David.
- 使用對等連接詞–for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so
- 使用從屬連接詞–because, (al)though, when, after, before, as, while, if, whether, until, unless
- 使用關係代名詞和關係副詞–who, whom, which, that, what, when, where, why, how
- 使用分號–當兩個句子關係密切,卻找不出一個適當的連接詞,或想要用副詞轉換詞,讓文章句型多變化,可以用分號當連接詞。(想要讓文章句型多變化,還有很多方法,請閱讀『如何寫出多變化的英文句子』)
some of which和some of them這一類題型解析
some of which,some of whom 或some of them

由上面的解說可知,which和whom是關係代名詞,可以連接兩個句子。在形容詞子句的補述用法中,which, who, whom所帶領的句子要用逗號和前面的名詞隔開,並且可以位於句子中。some of which與some of whom就用在補述用法中,所以前面要有逗號; 而them是代名詞,不可以連接兩個句子,可以打句號,分成兩句,也可以在前面句子後打分號當連接詞。(點擊鏈結,可以進一步了解形容詞子句的限定用法與補述用法)
- At the zoo, the teacher saw her students, some of whom held a balloon in their hands.
- They found those sick monkeys, some of which were dying, in the cave.
- These singers, some of whom are popular with young students, will join the contest.
上面這三個例子,都是用關係代名詞whom跟which來連接兩個句子,用逗號與前面名詞隔開。現在,將其中的which 跟 whom改寫成them,請注意標點符號的變化,還有them在句子位置的改變。
- At the zoo, the teacher saw her students; some of them held a balloon in their hands.
- In the cave they found those sick monkeys; some of them were dying.
- These singers will join the contest; some of them are popular with young students.
雖然,在這裡,我們說可以用分號當連接詞,再加上some of them,可是,在寫作時,最好不要這樣做,簡單以句號隔開兩句就好。分號要用的少,用的好,考試時,會讓作文增色不少。(請參考『英文標點符號的用法』一文
- one of which, one of whom, one of them
- many of which, many of whom, many of them
- a few of which, a few of whom, a few of them
- most of which, most of whom, most of them
after which 或 after that

在形容詞子句的非限定用法中,which可以用來代替前面一整個句子的語意,也就是一件事。在寫敘述文的時候,我們常常會說在那件事之後,這在英文有許多手法來表達,而after which 跟after that 就是其中兩種,也是考試常造成疑惑的選項。
看到這裡,想必讀者可以清楚的知道,什麼時候用after which?什麼時候用after that?下面一樣舉出幾個例子,將兩者做改寫,請注意after which跟after that前面的標點符號。
- The boy had a severe accident at the age of six, after which, he was unable to speak.
- He went into a haunted house alone one night, after which, he was afraid to be in the dark alone.
同樣地,我們將例句中的after which改寫成after that,請注意標點符號的變化。
- The boy had a severe accident at the age of six; after that, he was unable to speak.
- He went into a haunted house alone one night; after that, he was afraid to be in the dark alone.
同樣地,雖然可以用分號當連接詞,再加上after that,但是,很少人這麼做,最好簡單以句號隔開兩句就好。