used to/be used to的意思差在哪裡?後面接不定詞還是動名詞?

在英文文法中,to 後面要加上Ving還是動詞原形,一直都是很多學生的困擾,其中尤其以used to 跟be used to這兩個片語最令人深感挫折。很多學生死背used to後面要加上動詞原形,而be used to 後面要接Ving。但是,以下兩個句子又讓這個法則破滅:The knife is used to cut the cake. The dog used to eating raw meat wouldn’t eat cooked meat. 到底要如何判斷呢?

used to 和be used to的意思與用法


be used to

be used to 有兩個意思,一個是習慣於,另一個是被用來做(被動態)。因為視意思的不同,後面有時接動詞原形,有時接Ving,也是讓許多學生困擾的主因。以下,我們將這兩個意思分別詳細說明其用法。

習慣於 be used to Ving / N

這個片語的意思是習慣於,後面要接著名詞,如果是習慣於做一個動作,則動詞就要加上ing變成名詞。很多老師會跟學生說be used to 是現在的習慣,以便和used to(過去的習慣)做分辨。但是,在文章中,卻出現過去式。例如:Living near the airport, he was used to the loud noise.這樣的句子會讓學生產生困惑,不是現在的習慣嗎?為什麼會出現過去式?比較好的理解方式是–說話者或作者敘述的時間當下的習慣,要使用和說話者敘述的時間相同的時態。


  1. When we lived in Canada, we were used to getting up late.
    這個陳述裡,住加拿大時過去的事,敘述時間為過去,那當下的習慣,就用was / were used to
  2. I am used to eating quickly.
    敘述的時間是現在,是現在的習慣,就用is / am / are used to
  3. I was used to travelling alone, so travelling with friends has been a big adjustment for me to make.

被用來做… be used to VR(原形動詞)

被動態的基本結構是be Vpp(過去分詞),所以,I used the knife to cut the cake.的被動態就變成The knife was used to cut the cake.這樣一來,be used to 後面就要接動詞原形。因此,死背be used to 後面接Ving是不行的,要考慮句子的語意:如果是主詞習慣於做…,後面就接Ving; 如果是主詞被用來做…,後面就接動詞原形。

  1. My mother is not used to speaking English.
  2. Smartphones can be used to do a lot of work.
used to vs be used to

used to VR(動詞原形)

used to VR這個片語強調是過去的重複出現習慣或情況,也就是,暗示著說話的當下,已經不這麼做了或沒這個情況出現了–這一點就是used to VR跟be used to Ving這兩個片語最大的不同點。下面介紹這個片語的肯定句、否定句和疑問句的造法。

  1. I used to like him.
  2. There used to be many trees in the neighborhood.
  3. I didn’t use to work hard.
  4. Did you use to smoke?


當遇到這一類題型時,先將主要句子的動詞找出來,先了解是used to還是be used to 的be動詞被省略,再判斷語意,最後決定後面要接Ving還是VR(原形)。

be used to 的be動詞省略的情況

為了句子的多樣性,我們常將副詞子句與形容詞子句的動詞破壞,省略連接詞,成為副詞片語跟形容詞片語–也就是分詞構句。分詞構句中,being會被省略,所以be used to 就只剩下used to。如果沒有注意句子結構,就容易做出錯誤的判斷。以本文章開頭舉的例句–The dog used to eating raw meat wouldn’t eat cooked meat. 主要子句的動詞是wouldn’t eat,而used to是將形容詞子句which is (was) used to eating raw meat破壞成形容詞片語而來。過程如下:

The dog which is used to eating raw meat wouldn’t eat cooked meat.

  1. 動詞加上ing破壞動詞
    The dog which being used to eating raw meat wouldn’t eat cooked meat.
  2. 形容詞子句連接詞which省略
    The dog which being used to eating raw meat wouldn’t eat cooked meat.
  3. being後面有不只一個字,being再省略
    The dog which being used to eating raw meat wouldn’t eat cooked meat.


  1. My friend who used to be skinny is now overweight.
    主要子句的動詞是is,used to be是形容詞子句who used to be skinny的動詞,語意強調是以前的狀態,而現在沒有這個狀態,所以used to後面接動詞原形be
  2. Computers used to play games require better graphics cards.
    主要子句的動詞為require,used to play games是形容詞子句which are used to play games破壞成形容詞片語而來,語意是被用來做…,所以,be used to 後面接動詞原形play
  3. I don’t like boys used to flirting with every girl they know.
    主要句子的動詞為don’t like,而used to flirting with every girl they know是形容詞子句who are used to flirting with every girl they know破壞成形容詞片語而來,語意是習慣於,所以後面接Ving




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