

在這裡介紹一位經常得獎的英文童書作者”E. B. White”,他的作品主題充滿想像,敘述生動有趣,不只文學性高,最重要的是,他的用字大多落在2000-2500單字內,很適合成為學習者,尤其是中學生,踏入英文文學作品欣賞的入門引導。


對於國人來說,英文動詞時態是最難的文法概念之一,即使考時態選擇題都正確的學生,寫作時,時態大多會出錯。理解時態最好的方法是在閱讀小說或敘述文時,注意作者的時態變換,分析其原因。用這種方式閱讀ㄧ、兩本小說或幾篇敘述文後,大致上就能理解英文時態的應用法則,對於寫作時,會有很大的幫助。在本文中,我們將引用E. B. White的作品”The Trumpet of the Swan”的第一章的開頭,來介紹如何透過故事理解英文時態的應用(英文時態總共有十六種,敘事時間分為現在與過去,讀者如果有需要的話,可以參考『徹底理解英文時態』ㄧ文)。


E. B. White的作品”The Trumpet of the Swan”的第一章的開頭   

    Walking back to camp through the swamp, Sam wondered whether to tell his father what he had seen.

    “I know one thing,” he said to himself.  “I’m going back to that little pone again tomorrow.  And I’d like to go alone.  If I tell my father what I saw today, he will want to go with me.  I’m not sure that’s a very good idea.

    Sam was eleven.  His last name was Beaver  He was Strong for his age and had black hair and dark eyes like an Indian.  Sam walked like an Indian, too, putting one foot straight in front of the other and making very little noise.  The swamp through which he was traveling was a wild place—there was no trail, and it was boggy underfoot, which made walking difficult.  Every four or five minutes Sam took his compass out of his pocket and checked his course to make sure he was headed in a westerly direction.  Canada is a big place.  Much of it is wilderness.  To get lost in the woods and swamps of western Canada would be a serious matter.

    As he trudged on, the boy’s mind was full of the wonder of what he had seen.  Not many people in the world have seen the nest of a Trumpeter Swan.  Sam had found one on the lonely pond on this day in spring.  He had seen the two great white birds with their long white necks and black bills…


  • 現在
  • 過去

掌握住這兩個時間點,我們來一句句分析下面這篇文章的時態應用。以下,在每個句子中,呈現時態變化的動詞,以粗體標示出來; 名詞子句和形容詞子句以底線標示; 副詞子句則以小括號標示。


  1. Walking back to camp through the swamp, Sam wondered whether to tell his father what he had seen.
    有兩個動作,強調先後發生,先發生的用完成式,後發生的用簡單式。Sam先看到某件事(had seen),才想著要不要告訴爸爸(wondered)
  2. “I know one thing,” he said to himself. 
  3. “I’m going back to that little pond again tomorrow.“
    一樣在直接引述句中,敘事時間為現在。am going to 再加上句尾時間tomorrow,顯示說話當下,這個動作雖然還沒發生,但說話者一定會做這件事,所以用be going to 代替will為未來式
  4. ” And I’d like to go alone.“
    直接引述句標示說話當下為現在,所以用would like(在口語中=want),表示這是說話者當下想要做的事
  5. ”(If I tell my father what I saw today,) he will want to go with me.“ 
    一樣在直接引述句中,敘事時間為現在。雖然「告訴」的動作還沒發生,但條件副詞子句沒有未來式,所以用現在簡單式tell,而主要子句的結果還沒發生則用未來式will want表示。在說話者說話的當下,「看到了某個東西」這個動作發生過了,所以用過去式what I saw來表達
    *時間副詞如果是today,時態就非常複雜,寫作時,要想一下,在寫作的當下,已發生的動作用過去簡單式; 還沒發生的動作用未來式will或確定會發生的用be going to;是習慣或狀態用現在簡單式; 正在發生用現在進行式
  6. ”I’m not sure that’s a very good idea.“
  7. Sam was eleven. 
  8. His last name was Beaver.  He was strong for his age and had black hair and dark eyes like an Indian.  Sam walked like an Indian, too, putting one foot straight in front of the other and making very little noise. 
  9. The swamp through which he was traveling was a wild place—there was no trail, and it was boggy underfoot, which made walking difficult. 
    敘事時間在過去,強調動作正在做 – Sam「正走在沼澤中」- 用過去進行式was traveling
  10. Every four or five minutes Sam took his compass out of his pocket and checked his course to make sure he was headed in a westerly direction. 
  11. Canada is a big place.  Much of it is wilderness. To get lost in the woods and swamps of western Canada would be a serious matter.
    敘事時間變為現在,因爲敘述的這件事在作者寫作的當下(現在)還是事實,所以用現在簡單式表達。最後一句是假設語氣的一種,用would be表示作者認為 — 當主詞的情況發生時(但是沒發生),會是很嚴重的事
  12. (As he trudged on,) the boy’s mind was full of the wonder of what he had seen.
  13. Not many people in the world have seen the nest of a Trumpeter Swan. 
    注意到敘事時間又回到了現在,而且用現在完成式,這表示,一直到作者寫作的當下,都還沒多少人能「見過」Trumpeter Swan的巢
  14. Sam had found one on the lonely pond on this day in spring. He had seen the two great white birds with their long white necks and black bills.





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