- count somebody out
例句:Don’t count her out just because she’s young; she’s very capable.
不要僅僅因為她年輕就把她排除在外,她非常有能力。 - count something out
例句:She counted out ten banknotes and handed them to me.
她數出十張鈔票遞給我。 - count somebody in
例句:If you’re planning a trip, count me in.
如果你計劃去旅行,請把我算在內。 - count something up
例句:The cashier counted up the day’s earnings. 收銀員計算了當天的收益。 - count something against
例句:The manager counted his tardiness against him during the performance review.
在績效評估中,經理將他的遲到視為不利因素。 - count something off
例句:The teacher counted off the students for the attendance.
老師清點學生的出勤率。 - count something as
例句:She counts her part-time job as valuable work experience.
她把兼職工作算作寶貴的工作經驗。 - count somebody/something among
例句:He counts himself among the fortunate few who escaped the disaster.
他把自己算作在災難中幸運逃脫的少數人之一。 - count oneself + 形容詞
例句:Count yourself lucky that you didn’t get caught in the storm.
幸好你沒有被困在暴風雨中。 - count it +形容詞 + to V
例句:I count it foolish to let him go.
- You can count the apples in the basket to know how many we have.
你可以數一下籃子裡有多少蘋果。 - Count me in for the party this weekend.
把我算在這個週末的派對名單裡。 - When making decisions, it’s important to count the cost.
在做決策時,重要的是要考慮成本。 - He’s counting his blessings after surviving the accident.
在躲過意外後,他在感慨自己的幸運。 - The teacher counted the students off by twos for the group activity.
老師按照兩個一組來將學生分組。 - We’re counting the minutes until the end of the workday.
我們在倒數計時,期待著下班的時刻。(接近下班時間,看著時鐘等下班) - Don’t count me out just because I’m not an expert.
- calculate 計算、推算 vt. 指用數學方法來確定數字或數量。
例句:We need to calculate the total cost of the project before making a decision.
在做決定之前,我們需要計算專案的總成本。 - estimate 估計、估算 vt. 是對某一數量、價值或範圍的大致判斷。
例句:The contractor estimated the time it would take to complete the renovation.
承包商估計了完成裝修所需的時間。 - enumerate 列舉、計算 vt. 是指對事物的一一列舉和計數,以便了解數量和範圍。
例句:The report enumerated the main issues the committee needed to address.
報告列舉了委員會需要解決的主要問題。 - tally 記錄、對照 vt. 指將事物進行計數或記錄,以便了解總數或情況。
例句:She tallied the number of guests attending the party to plan for food and drinks.
她記錄了參加派對的賓客人數,以便為食物和飲料做規劃。 - total 總計、合計 vt. 表示多個數字或事物相加後得到的結果。
例句:After totaling the expenses, we realized we had exceeded our budget.
- count on
例句:You can always count on her in times of need.
在需要的時候,你總是可以依賴她。 - count against
對…不利 例句:His lack of experience might count against him in the job interview.
他缺乏經驗可能會在面試中對他不利。 - count towards
例句:These extra credits will count towards your final grade.
這些額外學分將計入你的最終成績。 - count down
例句:The crowd started to count down the seconds until the new year.
人群開始倒數計時,直到新的一年到來。 - count up
例句:At the end of the month, they count up all the expenses and analyze the budget.
每月底,他們將所有支出加總並分析預算。 - count for
例句:Effort and dedication really count for something in the long run.
- She’s counting on you to help her with the project.
她指望你幫助她完成這個項目。 - Every vote counts in a close election.
在激烈的選舉中,每一票都很重要。 - We’re counting down the days until our vacation.
我們正在倒數計時,期待著度假的日子。 - You can always count on her for support.
你總是可以指望她的支持。 - We’re counting down to the New Year.
我們正在倒數迎接新年。 - She counted up all the expenses for the month.
她統計了整個月的所有開支。 - His lack of experience might count against him in the job interview.
他缺乏經驗可能在面試中對他不利。 - These credits will count towards your final degree.
- matter 重要、有價值 vi. 強調某事物在特定情況下具有重要性或影響。
例句:Your opinion really matters to me when making this decision.
在做這個決定時,你的意見對我真的很重要。 - signify 表示、意味著 vt. 指出某物表示或象徵著某種意義、價值或重要性。signigy是及物動詞
例句:Her silence seemed to signify her disapproval of the idea.
她的沉默似乎表示她不贊成這個想法。 - weigh 有分量、有影響 vt. 表示某事物在評估、判斷或決策中具有重要性或影響力。 weigh是及物動詞
例句:The pros and cons of the situation need to be weighed before deciding.
在決定之前,需要衡量情況的利弊。 - amount to 達到、相當於 – 表示某事物在數量、程度或價值上達到或等同於另一事物。
例句:His years of experience amount to a significant advantage in the job market.
他多年的經驗在就業市場上相當於一個顯著的優勢。 - carry weight 有分量、有影響力 – 強調某人的觀點、建議或行為具有重要性或影響力。
例句:Her recommendations carry weight because of her expertise in the field.
- conduct a head count
例句:They conducted a head count before the meeting started.
在會議開始之前,他們進行了人數統計。 - take a count of
例句:The teacher took a count of the students present in the classroom.
老師點了在教室裡出席的學生人數。 - final count
例句:The final count revealed a higher number of participants than expected.
最終統計顯示參與人數比預期的要多。 - vote count
例句:The election results will be announced after the vote count is completed.
選票統計完成後,將公佈選舉結果。 - body count
例句:The body count after the natural disaster was devastating.
- The final count of the votes determined the winner of the election.
選票的最終統計決定了選舉的獲勝者。 - The count of confirmed cases has been increasing in recent days.
確診病例的數量近日來一直在增加。 - The count of endangered species in the region is a matter of concern.
該地區瀕危物種的數量令人擔憂。 - The event organizers conducted a head count to ensure everyone was present.
活動組織者進行人數統計以確保每個人都到場。 - The count of books in the library has increased since they received new donations.
自從圖書館收到新捐贈以來,藏書數量有所增加。 - The count of calories in this meal is relatively low, making it suitable for those on a diet.
這套餐點的卡路里數量相對較低,適合那些節食的人。 - The manager kept a count of the inventory to ensure the stock levels were accurate.
經理對庫存進行統計,以確保庫存水平的準確性。 - The count of homeless people in the city has risen due to the economic crisis.
由於經濟危機,城市裡無家可歸的人數上升。 - The athlete’s medal count increased after winning gold in the latest competition.
- tally 紀錄、計算 n. 指對某些事物的計數或記錄,以便了解總數或情況。
例句:The final tally showed that we had sold 100 tickets.
最終的統計顯示,我們已售出100張票。 - total 總數、總計 n. 表示多個數字或事物相加後得到的結果。
例句:The total cost of the project was higher than initially estimated.
該專案的總成本高於最初的估計。 - sum 總和、總計 n. 指將一系列數字相加得到的結果。
例句:The sum of their individual scores determined the team’s final ranking.
他們各自的得分總和決定了球隊的最終排名。 - enumeration 列舉、計數 n. 是指對事物的一一列舉和計數,以便了解數量和範圍。
例句:The report included an enumeration of all the resources used in the project.
報告中包括了專案中使用的所有資源的列舉。 - headcount 人數統計 n. 是指對人數的計算,通常用於組織或活動的參與者。
例句:The company needs to reduce its headcount to cut costs.
- countable 可數的 adj.
- countdown 倒數、倒數階段 n.
- counter 計數的人、計數器、遊戲籌碼、櫃枱 n.
- uncountable 不可數的 adj.