- pretend SV
例句:She pretends she is a princess.
她假裝自己是一位公主。 - It is adj. to pretend SV
例句:Sometimes, it’s easier to pretend everything is fine.
有時候,假裝一切都好要容易些。 - pretend to be
例句:He always pretends to be a superhero when he plays with his friends.
他在和朋友玩耍時總是假裝成超級英雄。 - not pretend to be
例句:I don’t pretend to be an expert in the field.
我不會假裝自己是該領域的專家。 - pretend to know
例句:She pretended to know the answer, but it was clear she was guessing.
她假裝知道答案,但顯然她只是猜測。 - pretend not to notice something
例句:She pretended not to notice the awkward silence.
她假裝沒有注意到那尷尬的沉默。 - pretend to sleep
例句:The child pretended to sleep when his mother came into the room.
當媽媽進房間時,孩子假裝睡覺。 - pretend to understand
例句:Even though the lecture was confusing, he pretended to understand everything.
儘管講座很晦澀難懂,但他卻假裝什麼都聽懂了。 - pretend to care
例句:She pretended to care about my problems, but I could tell she wasn’t really interested.
她假裝關心我的問題,但我看得出來她並不是真的感興趣。 - pretend to listen
例句:He pretended to listen to the teacher while thinking about something else.
他一邊想著別的事情,一邊假裝在聽老師講課。 - pretend to like
例句:I pretended to like the meal just to be polite to the host.
我假裝喜歡這頓飯,只是為了對主人有禮貌。 - pretend to be surprised
例句:I had to pretend to be surprised when they threw me a surprise party, even though I already knew about it.
- The kids love to pretend they’re pirates searching for treasure.
孩子們喜歡假裝自己是在尋寶的海盜。 - Let’s pretend we’re on a secret mission.
讓我們假裝我們在執行一個秘密任務。 - She often pretends she didn’t hear me when I call her name.
當我叫她的名字時,她常常假裝沒有聽到。 - At the party, he pretended to be someone he’s not.
在派對上,他假裝自己是另一個人。 - Can you pretend you’re a dinosaur?
你能假裝你是一隻恐龍嗎? - They pretended to be asleep when their parents checked on them.
當他們的父母來檢查時,他們假裝睡著了。 - Just pretend it never happened and move on.
假裝這件事從未發生過,然後繼續前進。 - Everyone can pretend to be happy, but feeling truly happy is different.
每個人都可以假裝開心,但真正感到開心是不同的。 - To avoid an argument, he pretended to agree with their decision.
為了避免爭論,他假裝同意他們的決定。 - Whenever the boss comes around, he pretends to work hard.
- simulate 模擬 vt. 表示創造一個環境或情況的仿真版本,以學習或測試目的。
例句:The training program simulates real-life emergency situations.
訓練計畫模擬了真實的緊急情況。 - feign 裝作 vt. 指故意假裝有某種感覺、狀態或反應,通常為了避免麻煩或引起關注。
例句:She feigned illness to skip school.
她裝病以逃學。 - disguise 偽裝 vt. 指改變外觀或行為,以隱藏真實身份或意圖。
例句:He disguised himself as a guard to get inside the building.
他喬裝成一名警衛進入大樓。 - fabricate 捏造 vt. 指製造謊言或虛構故事,通常是為了欺騙。
例句:The witness was accused of fabricating her testimony.
證人被指控捏造了她的證詞。 - masquerade 假扮 vt. 強調以虛假的外表或身份出現,常見於試圖欺騙或隱藏真相的情況。
例句:They masqueraded their true intentions with friendly gestures.
- They played with a pretend sword made of cardboard.
他們用紙板做的假劍玩耍。 - She wore a pretend crown and acted like a queen.
她戴著一個假冠冕,表現得像個女王。 - He gave me a pretend angry look, but I knew he was joking.
他給了我一個假裝生氣的表情,但我知道他在開玩笑。 - For Halloween, they made a pretend ghost from old sheets.
為了萬聖節,他們用舊床單來裝鬼。 - The kids enjoyed their pretend tea party in the garden.
孩子們在花園裡享受他們的假想茶會。 - He put on a pretend smile to hide his disappointment.
他假裝微笑以掩飾他的失望。 - We had a pretend wedding ceremony for our dolls.
- fake 假的 adj. 指不真實的或製造出來的,用來欺騙或假裝。
例句:The painting turned out to be a fake.
這幅畫結果是假的。 - simulated 模擬的 adj. 指用人工方法製造的,以模仿或再現某種情況或條件。
例句:The pilot training includes simulated flight conditions.
- pretended 假裝的 adj.
- pretender 偽裝者、冒充者 n.
- pretentious 矯揉造作的、做作的 adj.
- unpretentious 不矯揉造作的、樸實無華的 adj.
- pretentiously 矯揉造作地 adv.
- pretense 假裝、虛偽 n.
- pretension 做作、自命不凡 n.