- the rest
例句:Some of the family went to the movies, while the rest stayed at home.
有些家人去看電影,其餘的則留在家裡。 - the rest of something
例句:The rest of the pizza is in the fridge if you want it.
剩下的比薩放在冰箱裡,如果你想要的話。 - rest area
例句:We pulled over at the rest area to take a break during our road trip.
我們在旅行中途,停在休息區休息一下。 - mental rest
例句:Taking breaks during a busy workday can provide much-needed mental rest.
在繁忙的工作日中,休息片刻可以提供急需的精神休息(非常忙碌時,短暫的休息可以幫助我們的大腦得到休息和恢復)。 - rest and relaxation
例句:Vacations are a time for rest and relaxation.
假期是休息和放鬆的時候。 - take / have a rest
例句:She took a rest by the lake to enjoy the peaceful scenery.
- After a long day at work, I need to find some rest.
經過一整天的工作後,我需要休息一下。 - Let’s have a rest before we continue hiking up the mountain.
在繼續爬山之前,讓我們休息一下。 - The rest of the team is waiting for you at the meeting.
團隊的其他成員在會議上等著你。 - Finding time for rest and relaxation is essential for a healthy lifestyle.
找時間休息和放鬆對於健康的生活方式至關重要。 - The rest of the money should be used for future investments.
剩下的錢應該用於未來的投資。 - She decided to take a rest from her demanding job to recharge.
她決定休息一下,讓自己從繁忙的工作中恢復過來。 - During the road trip, we’ll make stops to rest and stretch our legs.
在開車旅行中,我們會停下來休息,並伸展腿部。 - The beauty of nature provides a sense of rest for the soul.
- relaxation 放鬆、休息 n. 強調身體或心靈的安寧和休息。
例句:A weekend at the spa provides a perfect relaxation opportunity.
週末在水療中心度過是一個完美的放鬆機會。 - repose 安寧、休息 n. 指的是寧靜的休息或沉思。
例句:He found solace and repose in the peaceful garden.
他在寧靜的花園中找到了慰藉和安寧。 - respite 暫時的休息、喘息 n. 表示短暫的休息或中止。
例句:I worked for days without respite.
我連續幾天沒有休息。 - break 休息、中斷 n. 表示暫停或間斷。
例句:Take a short break to clear your mind before continuing.
在繼續之前,休息一下以放鬆心情。 - pause 暫停、停頓 n. 強調短時間的停頓或休息。
例句:There was a brief pause in the conversation.
- rest one’s head on something
例句:She rested her head on the pillow and closed her eyes, trying to fall asleep.
她將頭枕在枕頭上,閉上眼睛,試圖入睡。 - rest one’s eyes
例句:Look away from the smart phone to rest your eyes.
- He rested his weary body on the comfortable couch after a long day at work.
經過一天的工作,他疲憊的身體躺在舒適的沙發上休息。 - After the intense workout, it’s important to rest your muscles to avoid injury.
劇烈運動後,讓肌肉休息很重要,以避免受傷。 - The decision to rest the team’s star player for the upcoming game was met with mixed reactions from fans.
- relax 放鬆、休息 vt. 表示減輕壓力、恢復精力或心情。
例句:I like to relax by reading a book after a long day at work.
在一天的工作後,我喜歡通過閱讀一本書來放鬆。 - relieve 緩解、減輕 vt. 強調減輕壓力、痛苦或負擔。
例句:Yoga can help relieve stress and tension.
瑜伽可以幫助減輕壓力和緊張。 - refresh 使恢復精力、提神 vt. 表示使重新充滿活力或精神。
例句:A quick nap can refresh your mind and body.
- rest for a while
例句:After a long hike, he decided to sit down and rest for a while.
在長途徒步之後,他決定坐下來休息一下。 - let something rest
例句:It’s important to let the dough rest before baking it for the best results.
在烘焙之前,讓麵團靜置一段時間,是獲得最佳效果的重要步驟。 - let somebody rest
例句:She’s been studying all day; let her rest now.
- The birds flew high into the sky and then rested on the tree branches.
鳥兒飛到高空,然後停在樹枝上休息。 - The old book has been resting on the dusty shelf for years.
這本舊書多年來一直放在佈滿灰塵的書架上。 - The kids played energetically this morning. We should let them rest in the afternoon.
孩子們今天早上玩得很有開心。下午我們應該讓他們休息。 - She couldn’t find a comfortable place to rest in the crowded airport.
在擁擠的機場中,她找不到一個舒適的地方休息。 - Let’s take a break and rest for a while before we continue working.
讓我們暫停一下,稍作休息,然後繼續工作。 - It’s essential for the mind and body to rest regularly to maintain overall well-being.
定期休息對於保持身心健康非常重要。 - The boat sailed smoothly across the calm water, and the crew took the opportunity to rest.
船平穩地駛過平靜的水面,船員趁機休息。 - The ancient ruins have been resting undisturbed for centuries beneath the desert sands.
幾個世紀以來,古老的遺跡一直靜靜地躺在沙漠之下,不受干擾。 - She couldn’t sleep well last night, so she plans to rest during the afternoon.
她昨晚睡得不好,所以打算在下午休息一下。 - The doctor advised her to rest and recover from the flu.
醫生建議她休息,從流感中康復。 - The hikers found a peaceful spot by the river to rest and enjoy their lunch.
- relax 放鬆、休息 vi. 表示減輕壓力或疲勞,讓身體恢復。
例句:She likes to relax with a good book after work.
她喜歡工作後讀一本好書來放鬆。 - repose 休息、安寧 vi. 強調寧靜的休息,通常與舒適和寧靜有關。
例句:The cat found a sunny spot and reposed there for hours.
貓找到一個陽光明媚的地方,在那裡休息了幾個小時。 - unwind 放鬆、解壓 vi. 強調釋放壓力,通常指從忙碌或壓力中解脫出來。
例句:After a long day at the office, she likes to unwind with a glass of wine.
- rest on
例句:The girl’s eyes rested on a little bird at the window.
女孩的目光停留在窗邊的一隻小鳥身上。 - something rest on something else
取決於(某事rests on某件事情或某個條件 – 某事的成功、結果或真實性取決於該條件或事情)
例句:The success of this project rests on our teamwork.
這個專案的成功取決於我們的團隊合作。 - rest up
例句:You’ve had a long journey. You should rest up before we go out.
你旅行了很長時間,我們出去之前你應該好好休息一下。 - something rest with somebody
由…決定、取決於(某事rests with某人或某個組織)
例句:The final decision rests with the board of directors.
最終的決定由董事會做出(董事會有做出決定或承擔某種責任的權利或義務)。 - rest upon
在…之上、凝視(跟rest on語意相似,更常見於正式的書面語境或文學中)
例句:Her gaze rested upon the old photograph on the table.
- The responsibility rests on his shoulders.
責任在他的肩上。 - The outcome of the experiment rests on these calculations.
實驗的結果取決於這些計算。 - A thin layer of dust rested upon the old books.
一層薄薄的灰塵覆蓋在舊書上。 - The choice to continue or stop rests with you.
繼續還是停止的選擇在你。 - After the marathon, she needed a few days to rest up.
馬拉松後,她需要幾天時間好好休息。 - His gaze rested upon the painting.
他的目光停留在那幅畫上。 - The success of the project rests on your shoulders.
- restful: 安寧的、寧靜的 adj.
- restfully: 安寧地、寧靜地 adv.
- restfulness: 安寧、寧靜 n.
- restless: 不安的、焦躁的 adj.
- restlessly: 不安地、焦躁地 adv.
- restlessness: 不安、焦躁 n.
- rested: 已休息的、休息充足的 adj.
- resting: 休息中的 adj.
- restorative: 有恢復作用的、能使人恢復精力的 adj. & n.
- restitution: 彌補、賠償 n.