- search for someone / something
尋找某人 / 某物
例句:They spent hours searching for the lost dog.
他們花了幾小時尋找那隻走失的狗。 - search through… for something
例句:She searched through all her drawers for the missing earring.
她仔細搜尋所有抽屜尋找那只遺失的耳環。 - search around
例句:He searched around the house for his glasses.
他在房子裡到處搜尋他的眼鏡。 - search in something
例句:I need to search in the attic for those old photographs.
我需要在閣樓裡搜尋那些舊照片。 - search out
例句:The detective managed to search out the truth behind the incident.
偵探設法找出事件背後的真相。 - search up
例句:I’ll search up some recipes for dinner tonight.
我會上網搜尋一些今晚晚餐的食譜。 - search into
例句:Journalists are searching into the politician’s past.
記者們正在調查這位政治人物的過去。 - search within oneself
例句:Sometimes you need to search within yourself for the answers.
- After losing her job, she began to search for new opportunities.
失業後,她開始尋找新的機會。 - She searched among the files to find the important document.
她在文件中搜尋,以找到那份重要文件。 - He searched beneath the bed for his missing shoe.
他在床下尋找他遺失的鞋子。 - He searched everywhere but couldn’t find his wallet.
他到處尋找,但找不到他的錢包。 - They continued to search despite the fading light.
儘管光線變暗,他們仍繼續搜尋。 - She searched online for hours to find the perfect gift.
她在網上搜尋了幾小時以尋找完美的禮物。 - The detective searched for clues at the crime scene.
偵探在犯罪現場尋找線索。 - As he grew older, he searched for meaning in life.
隨著年齡的增長,他開始尋找生活的意義。 - The team searched high and low for the missing documents.
團隊四處尋找那些遺失的文件。 - She searched through her memories, trying to recall the event.
- probe 探查 vi. 表示進行深入和仔細的調查,尤其是在困難或複雜的情況中。
例句:Scientists probe into the depths of the ocean to study marine life.
科學家深入海洋深處研究海洋生物。 - scout 偵查 vi. 指在一定區域內尋找或搜集信息,特別是為了特定目的或任務。
例句:The team scouts for locations to shoot their film.
- search a place for something
例句:She searched the room for her lost keys.
她搜尋房間以找到她丟失的鑰匙。 - someone be searched
例句:He was searched by a police officer.
他被一名警察搜身了。 - search one’s memory / mind for…
例句:I searched my memory for any mention of the event.
- The police are searching the area for any clues.
警方正在該區域搜尋任何線索。 - We need to search the internet for more information.
我們需要在網上搜尋更多資訊。 - He searched his pockets for some change.
他搜尋口袋找零錢。 - She will search the archives for historical records.
她將搜尋檔案庫以找到歷史記錄。 - The team is searching the forest for endangered species.
- explore 探索 vt. 表示深入調查或研究以發現新信息或理解深層含義。
例句:Archaeologists are exploring the ancient ruins for artifacts.
考古學家正在探索古代遺跡尋找文物。 - investigate 調查 vt. 表示仔細檢查或研究以發現事實或真相。
例句:The police investigated the scene of the crime for evidence.
警方調查犯罪現場尋找證據。 - scan 掃描 vt. 表示快速查看或檢查以找到特定信息或物品。
例句:She scanned the crowd for a familiar face.
她掃視人群,尋找熟悉的臉孔。 - probe 探查 vt. 表示深入調查或仔細檢測,尤其指對複雜或敏感問題的研究。
例句:Scientists probe the ocean depths for signs of new marine species.
- in search of something
例句:The company is in search of talented individuals to join their team.
這家公司正在尋找有才華的人加入他們的團隊。 - carry out / conduct / make a thorough search
例句:The police carried out a thorough search of the house, but they failed to find any evidence.
警方對房子進行了徹底搜查,但沒有找到任何證據。 - do a search
例句:She did a search for good restaurants in the area.
她搜尋了該地區的好餐廳。 - the search for something / someone
例句:The search for the missing hikers lasted several days.
對失踪登山者的搜尋持續了好幾天。 - one’s search for something
例句:Her search for knowledge led her to many different countries.
她對知識的追求使她去了許多不同的國家。 - a search engine / search results
搜尋引擎 / 搜尋結果
例句:I use a search engine to find information on the internet.
我使用搜尋引擎在網上找資訊。 - a search party / a search warrant
搜尋隊 / 搜查令
例句:A search party was organized to find the lost hiker.
組織了一支搜尋隊去尋找迷路的登山客。 - the search field / the search bar
搜尋欄 / 搜尋條
例句:Type your query into the search field and press enter.
在搜尋欄位中輸入您的查詢,然後按 Enter 鍵。 - one’s search history
例句:I cleared my search history from the browser.
我清除了瀏覽器中的搜尋歷史。 - search operation
例句:The search operation for the missing plane continued for weeks.
- The search and rescue team was dispatched immediately after the earthquake.
地震發生後,搜救隊立即被派出。 - The police obtained a search warrant to enter the suspect’s house.
警方獲得了搜查令進入嫌疑人的房子。 - During his search for a new job, he faced many challenges.
在尋找新工作的過程中,他遇到了許多挑戰。 - The search for a solution to the problem was not easy.
尋找解決問題的方法並不容易。 - Their search for a better life led them to a new city.
他們尋求更好生活的渴望把他們帶到了一個新城市。 - The search for truth is a fundamental aspect of journalism.
尋求真相是新聞學的一個基本方面。 - After a long search, they finally found the perfect house.
經過長時間的尋找,他們終於找到了完美的房子。 - The search results showed several websites related to the topic.
搜尋結果顯示了幾個與該主題相關的網站。 - Enter the keywords in the search bar to find the article.
- hunt 尋找、追尋 n. 指積極且有目的的尋找或追蹤。
例句:The hunt for the rare bird took the birdwatchers deep into the forest.
尋找那種罕見鳥類的行動把賞鳥者帶到了森林深處。 - quest 探索、追求 n. 表示尋找或追求某物,尤指長期或冒險的尋求。
例句:His quest for knowledge never ended.
他對知識的追求從未停止。 - exploration 探索 n. 指對未知或不熟悉的領域進行的系統性研究或調查。
例句:The exploration of the cave revealed ancient artifacts.
對洞穴的探索發現了古代文物。 - inquiry 詢問、調查 n. 指尋求事實、信息或知識的過程。
例句:The police made an inquiry into the missing person case.
警方對失蹤案進行了調查。 - investigation 調查 n. 指詳細且徹底的檢查或研究,以發現事實或真相。
例句:The investigation into the company’s practices revealed several issues.
- searchable 可搜索的 adj.
- searching 探究真相的、仔細的 adj.
- searchingly 探究真相地、審視地 adv.
- searchlight 探照燈 n.
- research 研究 vt. vi. & n.
- researcher 研究者、搜索者 n.