
形容詞修飾名詞,用來描述人或事物的性質、狀態與特徵。在寫作時,形容詞用的好,能夠讓讀者在他的腦海中繪出作者所形容的人事物,文章會更顯生動。對於英文非母語的英文學習者來說,要使用一連串的形容詞時來描述一個名詞時,常會產生困惑:這些形容詞是否可以隨便放,還是需要按照一定的順序去擺放? 要用and連接嗎?要打逗號嗎?本篇文章將介紹形容詞的種類、他在句子正確的位置與在名詞前面,使用ㄧ連串的形容詞時,需要遵循的擺放順序。






  1. 冠詞
    不定冠詞 – a, an
    定冠詞 – the
  2. 代名形容詞
    所有形容詞 – my, your等代名詞所有格
    疑問形容詞 – what flower, which way中的what跟which
    關係形容詞 – what money I have, whatever story you like中的what跟whatever
    指示形容詞 – this, that, these, those指定這個、那個、這些、那些 (距離說話者遠的用that, those; 近的用this, these)
    不定形容詞 – another, every, either, neither, all, both等。不像定冠詞、所有形容詞、跟指示形容詞,不定形容詞,像不定冠詞一樣,沒有指定任何一個特定的人事物
  3. 數量形容詞
    不定數量形容詞 – many, much, a few, a little, some, several, enough等
    – 基數 one, two, million, dozen [進一步理解基數,請閱讀『「萬」跟「億」的英文是?熟悉1-20+五單字,輕鬆唸任何數字!』跟『thousands?hundreds?解析數詞加或不加s的規則與常用片語』]
    – 序數first, second, last [進一步理解序數,請閱讀『掌握序數並學會如何巧妙運用』]
    – 次序next, former, primary, secondary, latest
    – 倍數half, double, twice等
  4. 性狀形容詞 
    記述形容詞 – brave, pretty等描述人、事、物的大小、顏色、形狀、心情、與說話者或作者對此人、事、物的想法與意見
    物質形容詞 – wooden, iron等表示名詞的材質
    分詞形容詞 – exciting, broken等
    專有形容詞 – American, Japanese等專有名詞加上特定字尾成為形容詞

前面三種又稱為限定語,用來表示名詞是否為特定人、事、物或表示名詞的數量 [進一步理解,請閱讀『限定詞的用法與例句』]。最後一種則是描述名詞的外表、材質、心境、動作或說話者對這個名詞的想法。最常讓讀者感到困惑,不知如何擺放的是第四種 – 性狀形容詞,後面會詳細介紹各種不同的性狀形容詞(細分類),並舉例說明它們出現的順序與要不要用and或標點符號。


一個字的形容詞的位置有兩種,一種是直接在它所修飾的名詞前面,叫做限定用法; 另一種是在主詞補語或受詞補語的位置,叫做敘述用法 。以下舉例說明:

  • She is a beautiful girl.
  • I want something special to drink.
    限定用法 – 形容詞要放在含有some, any跟every的複合名詞 (something, anyone等字) 後面,因為形容詞不能放在some, any, every等字前面
  • She is kind.  ((在be動詞或be動詞相等語之後,主詞補語的位置 – 描述主詞的特色)
  • You make me happy. (在受詞補語的位置 – 描述受詞的特色)

大部分ㄧ個字的形容詞可以放在名詞前 (限定用法),也可以放在補語的位置 (敘述用法),但是有些形容詞,像是only, main, mere等,只能用做限定用法,而有少數的形容詞,如alive, alike, asleep等,則只能用做敘述用法。而有些形容詞 ( 如able, certain, present, sorry, fond)的限定用法跟敘述用法的意思不一樣。

要注意的是,使用兩個字以上構成ㄧ個完整的形容詞概念 (也就是形容容詞片語跟子句),只有限定用法,但是卻要放在名詞的後面


  1. 唯一的: the only child / the sole survivor
  2. 主要的:the main reason / the chief problem 
  3. 只不過是..的: a mere child
  4. 正是的:the very person正是這一個人
  5. 表次序與位置的形容詞比較級或介副詞加er:his former colleague (同事) / her latter life (晚年 – 半生) / my elder sister ( 姊姊) / the upper lip (上唇) / the outer space (外太空) / inner life (精神生活)
  6. 用名詞加上en成為形容詞表示材質等:如a woolen sweater / a golden opportunity/ a wooden house
  7. 過去分詞轉品成為形容詞:fallen leaves 落葉/  a beaten path踏平的路
  8. 表示方向的形容詞,eastern, western, northern, southern
  9. indoor, outdoor, occasional, countless


  1. 單字由a跟另一個單字組合而成,像是alive, alike, asleep, alone, ashamed, awake等
    She is asleep.
  2. afraid, aware (察覺的), well(健康的), drunk (喝醉的), ready (準備好的), content(滿足的), glad (高興的)
  3. 某些過去分詞轉品為形容詞,如thrilled, annoyed, bored, finished, pleased
  4. 其他如下列慣用語
    be liable for 有做…的責任
    be bound to do…必定會做
    be able (unable) to do (沒) 有能力做…
    be fond of 喜歡…
    be content with 滿足的
    be subject to受…支配,以…為條件
    be well 健康的
    be ready準備好的
    get drunk喝醉的
    be glad that


  1. Lisa is an able teacher.
    *限定用法able=competent, talented有能力的
    He is able to speak four languages.
    *敘述用法be able to =can會、能夠
  2. There are certain things I just can’t discuss with my parents.
    有些 (特定的)事,我就是無法跟我的父母說 (討論)
    *限定用法certain語意為某個 (某些) 特定的
    I am certain she will succeed.
    *敘述用法certain=sure 語意為確定的
  3. He was terribly shocked at the sorry sight of so many dead animals.
    *限定用法sorry=very bad悲慘的
    I am sorry.
  4. The teacher gave her a fond look.
    I am fond of playing chess.
    *敘述用法be fond of…語意為喜歡…



  1. 意見 – 表達作者對該名詞的看法的形容詞:wonderful, famous, nice, comfortable, expensive, friendly, interesting, wise, bold, awful, stylish, rude, knowledgable, terrible, pretty, honest, attractive, lifeless, bumpy, cold, loud 等
  2. 事實 – 描述大小、長短與高矮的形容詞:huge, large, big, enormous, massive, gigantic, medium, small, miniature,  little, tiny, long, tall, short等
  3. 事實 – 描述形狀跟寬度形容詞:rectangular, square, circular, oval, oblong, round, flat, thin, overweight, wide, narrow,  baggy, right-angled
  4. 事實 – 描述外表狀態的形容詞:thick, thin, rough, smooth,  hard, soft, solid, hollow, straight, bent, tidy, untidy, clean, dirty, messy, wet, dry, empty, rich, hungry, flaky, cold, hot, warm, cool
  5. 事實 – 描述年齡新舊的形容詞:new, old, young, mature, immature, teenage ancient, modern, antique, current, recent, youthful, old-fashioned, middle-aged
  6. 事實 – 描述顏色的形容詞:red, yellow, blue, brown, reddish, multicolored, colorful, pale, faded, shining, bright, lavender等
  7. 事實 – 描述樣式的形容詞:plain, floral, swirled, spotted
  8. 事實 – 描述產地、出生地、國籍的形容詞(多為專有形容詞):American, Japanese等
  9. 事實 – 描述材質的形容詞(多為物質形容詞)或由名詞轉品:wooden, woolen,  plastic, metallic, leather, metal, silk, paper, silver等
  10. 事實 – 描述種類的形容詞:general-purpose, four-sided, U-shaped
  11. 事實 – 描述名詞的功能與目的 (常為名詞轉品為形容詞或分詞形容詞):door mat, food processor, washing machine, racing car等


  1. 冠詞或代名形容詞 +數量形容詞
    the three famous handsome young singers / this cute little girl / my many good friends
  2. 當名詞代表泛稱,前面就不需要限定詞(零限定詞)
    drinkable water / hard-working students


  1. I want to buy a big round blue Italian dining table.
  2. Do you really need that small square wooden chair?
  3. What is this brown rectangular leather thing?
  4. Press the black plastic button.
  5. My mother ordered a nice light Japanese breakfast.
  6. That amazing brown wooden wardrobe is a gift from her best friend.
  7. My father gave me a beautiful traditional Japanese doll as a birthday gift.
  8. It is a large modern passenger plane.
  9. I like this big circular new blue clock.
  10. Look! There are some elegant high-heeled red shoes.
  11. In the book, I saw a picture of an ancient Egyptian golden mask.
  12. She bought a comfortable modern yellow sofa.
  13. There are some good Sicilian sweet oranges on the table.
  14. Nearby my house is a majestic old green oak 


and 與逗號



  1. a small square wooden chair
    small修飾square wooden chair / square 修飾 wooden chair
  2. an amazing traditional Chinese building
    amazing修飾traditional Chinese building / traditional 修飾Chinese building



  1. a strange, black, metallic material
  2. a beautiful, tall, thin, young, black-haired, Scottish woman.
  3. a round, Chinese, bread-like cake.


  1. an attractive, interesting young woman
    =an interesting, attractive young woman
    =an interesting and attractive young woman
  2. a beautiful, popular singer
    =a popular, beautiful singer


  1. a blue and red umbrella (紅藍相間的雨傘)
  2. a little black and white dog (黑白相間的小狗)
  3. a blue and green cotton shirt (有藍、綠兩種顏色的棉質襯衫)


  1. It’s a long, narrow, plastic brush.
  2. The device is made of a strange, reddish, glassy material.
  3. He bought a beautiful new orange Italian bike.
  4. Panettone is a round, Italian, bread-like Christmas cake.
  5. His girlfriend is a beautiful, tall, thin, young, black-haired, Scottish woman.
  6. What an amazing, little, old, Chinese cup and saucer!




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