- the bare essentials
例句:We only brought the bare essentials on our camping trip.
我們露營時只帶了基本必需品。 - the bare minimum
例句:He did the bare minimum to pass the exam.
他只完成了最低限度的工作來通過考試。 - bare hands / bare feet / bare skin
空手(無工具或器械) / 光腳 / 裸露的皮膚
例句:She walked on the sand with her bare feet.
她光著腳在沙灘上走。 - the bare bones of
例句:The report outlines the bare bones of the new policy.
報告概述了新政策的基本要素。 - the bare facts / the bare truth
事實真相 / 赤裸裸的真相
例句:The report presents the bare facts without any exaggeration.
報告僅僅陳述事實真相,無任何誇張。 - bare walls / bare branches
空白的牆壁 / 光禿禿的樹枝
例句:She didn’t like the bare walls in her room, so she put up some posters.
- The child was playing with bare feet on the beach.
小孩在沙灘上光著腳玩耍。 - He caught the ball with his bare hands.
他空手接住了球。 - She applied sunscreen to her bare skin before going outside.
她在出門前在露出的皮膚上塗抹了防曬霜。 - In winter, the bare branches of the trees are visible.
冬天裡,樹上的光禿禿的樹枝是看得見的。 - The documentary exposed the bare truth about the corruption scandal.
- naked 裸露的、赤裸的 adj. 指未被遮蓋或保護的狀態,特別是對人體而言。
例句:He felt embarrassed when he was caught naked in the locker room.
他在更衣室被人撞見沒穿衣服時,感到尷尬。 - exposed 暴露的、無遮蔽的 adj. 表示暴露在外的狀態,通常指無遮蔽物或保護。
例句:The exposed pipes in the basement were prone to freezing during winter.
地下室裡暴露的管道在冬天容易結冰。 - unadorned 樸素的、無裝飾的 adj. 強調無修飾、裝飾或額外裝置的簡單狀態。
例句:She preferred unadorned clothing without any fancy patterns.
她喜歡沒有花哨圖案的樸素服裝。 - empty 空的、空虛的 adj. 表示沒有內容或裝飾物的狀態,可能指情感、物品或場所。
例句:He stared at the empty room, reminiscing about the good old days.
他凝望著空蕩蕩的房間,回憶著過去的美好時光。 - barren 貧瘠的、不結果實的 adj. 形容土地貧瘠、沒有植被或不適合種植的狀態,也可指無成果或無趣的狀況。
例句:The barren land was unsuitable for farming.
- bare one’s soul / one’s heart / one’s mind / one’s emotion
敞開心扉 / 傾吐心聲 / 坦誠相見、敞開心扉 / 表露情感
例句:She bared her soul to her best friend, telling her about her deepest fears.
她向她最好的朋友敞開心扉,告訴她她內心中最深的恐懼。 - bare one’s teeth
例句:The dog bared its teeth when it saw the stranger approaching.
當狗看到陌生人靠近時,它露出了牙齒。 - bare the truth / the facts / the secrets
揭示真相 / 揭示事實 / 揭示秘密
例句:The journalist was determined to bare the truth about the scandal.
記者下定決心揭露這起醜聞的真相(專注於醜聞本身的真相)。 - bare all
例句:During the interview, the celebrity decided to bare all and share her most personal struggles with the audience.
- The journalist bared the truth behind the scandal.
記者揭露了醜聞背後的真相(這裡強調的是醜聞背後的原因、動機或其他相關因素。)。 - He bared his heart to her, confessing his love.
他向她傾吐心聲,表白了愛意。 - During the therapy session, she felt comfortable enough to bare her mind.
在治療過程中,她感到很舒服,可以敞開心扉。 - She rarely bares her emotions in public.
她在公共場合很少表露自己的情感。 - The detective bared the facts of the case, leading to the suspect’s arrest.
偵探揭示了案件的事實,導致嫌疑人被捕。 - The whistleblower bared the secrets of the corrupt organization.
- reveal 揭示、揭露 vt. 指揭開或揭發事物的真相,使之公之於眾。
例句:The magician revealed the secret behind his trick.
魔術師揭示了他的魔術背後的秘密。 - expose 暴露、揭發 vt. 表示揭露隱藏的事實或情況,尤其是那些被認為不應公開的事物。
例句:The reporter exposed the corruption in the government.
記者揭露了政府中的貪污行為。 - uncover 揭開、發現 vt. 強調找出或揭示事物的真相,特別是那些隱藏或遺失的事物。
例句:The archaeologist uncovered an ancient artifact during the excavation.
考古學家在挖掘過程中發現了一件古老的文物。 - show 展示、顯示 vt. 表示讓人看到或注意到某物,尤其是那些原本可能未被注意到的事物。
例句:She showed her true feelings during the argument.
她在爭論中表現出了她真實的感受。 - disclose 揭露、公開 vt. 強調揭示或公開某事物,使之變得為人所知。
例句:The company disclosed its financial results to the public.
- barely 僅僅、幾乎沒有 adv.
- bareback 無馬鞍的 adj. 無馬鞍地 adv.
- barefaced 露骨的、無恥的 adj.
- barefoot 赤腳的 adj. 赤腳地 adv.
- bareheaded 頭上不戴東西的 adj. 頭上不戴東西地 adv.