大部分的人幾乎每天都有情緒,會為一個人,一件事,一本書或一句話而產生喜、怒、哀、樂、無聊等不同情緒:可能對某個人感到失望,因為某件事感到生氣,或害怕去做某件事。這些日常生活最常見的話題,要如何使用英文來表達呢?I am angry. 對誰?對什麼事?I am afraid. 怕什麼?如果要說清楚引發自己情緒的人或事件,我們就一定要用到介系詞,那到底要用哪個介系詞才對呢?其實,一個形容詞後面,並不一定只能使用一個介系詞,使用不同的介系詞,是要表達不同的語意; 而在有些情況,介系詞是跟後面的名詞形成一個時間副詞或地方副詞的概念。所以不要看到形容詞後面有介系詞,就認為這是片語。以下,我們用幾個常見的情緒形容詞為例,一一解釋,什麼情況,搭配不同的介系詞,與其語意上的不同。
excited about 用來表達對一件即將到來的事件感到興奮(近年來在運動報導與一些年輕人間,開始有人使用excited for,如果閱讀新聞或與人聊天時,不要太意外,語言本來就具有變遷性。但是,我們還是要使用about,等以後越來越多用用for,再來使用excited for。)
- I am excited about the trip.
對於即將到來的旅行,感到興奮 - She is excited about the party.
excited by帶出引起主詞興奮的情緒的動作者(excite是動詞,表示主詞讓受詞興奮起來。被動態的真正做動作者,用by來帶出來)
- The dog was excited by the cat.
這隻狗本來乖乖的,卻被貓激起興奮的情緒(可能是看到貓,可能是貓逗他) - Hydrogen can be excited by heat.
excited for 表示主詞為了別人的事(成就或幸運)而感到興奮或高興
- My sister won the game. I was excited for her.
這句話的意思是,我為我妹妹感到高興=I am happy for my sister.
excited at用來表示讓主詞興奮的是一個想法,預期或可能性(這個用法比較少,現在大多用about)
- We are excited at the thought of winning the game.
- She’s excited at the possibility of getting hired.
- They were excited at the playground.
at the playground構成地方副詞 - My brother often gets excited for no good reason.
for no good reason構成原因副詞 - The players have been excited for about three days.
for about three days構成時間副詞
angry about 通常表達主詞對於一個主題,或一個問題與狀況感到生氣
- I am so angry about the pollution problems in my hometown.
- They were angry about what she said to the teacher.
- The students were angry about how they were treated in the restaurant.
angry with 則表示在生某個人的氣
- My mother’s angry with me.
- I was so angry with one of my classmates for taking away my pen without asking me.
angry at也可以表達在生某個人的氣,或是表示被某個東西惹毛了
- His girlfriend is angry at him for cheating on her.
- She was so angry at her phone for not working when she was lost.
- Her mother was angry at the toys left messily on the floor.
disappointed at/ about用來表達對於事件的結果未達到內心的期待(但現在比較少用at)
- We were deeply disappointed at the result.
- I was disappointed about the way it happened.
disappointed in /with則表示主詞對於一個人的失望
- My parents are bitterly disappointed in me.
當使用in的時候,表示主詞的強烈的失望,甚至已經對受詞的能力失去信心,或感到被背叛 - The teacher was disappointed with the student.
disappointed with也可以用來表示對一個產品、表現或決定的失望(主詞對於某個產品、某人的表現有一個期望值)
- The teacher is disappointed with the performance of his students.
- I’m disappointed with my new computer.
disappointed by則指出做出讓主詞失望的事的人或決定
- I was disappointed by my sister. She said she would help me with my homework, but she wasn’t at home until midnight.
- I am angry about what he did to the girl.
- Her mother was furious about the way she spoke to her brother.
他媽媽很氣她跟她弟弟說話的方式 - happy about對一件事或一個消息感到高興
- sad about跟happy 用法一樣,只是意思是難過
- The girl is upset about her dress. 覺得衣服不好看或有問題而心煩
- He is anxious about his health condition.他對自己的健康感到憂心忡忡(有一些警訊出現)
- I am worried about you.我很擔心你
- I am nervous about driving on the highway. 我很怕在高速高路上開車
- excited about
- They are enthusiastic about the plan.他們對那計畫十分熱心(盡心盡力)
- Don’t be pessimistic about the future. 對什麼感到悲觀
- I am serious about it. 對這件事我是認真的
- angry at
- furious at現在和furious about通用
- The teacher is amazed at the progress her students have made. 出乎意料之外的好的驚訝
- She was annoyed at not being invited to the party.
對於沒收到邀請這件事感到不高興 - They are delighted at the prospect. 對於前景很看好(主詞很高興)
- disappointed at
- excited at
- I am hopeless at sports. 運動很菜(完全沒有希望做好)
- I am surprised at the result. 出乎意料之外的那種驚訝,可能是超乎預期的好,也可能是低於預期的糟
with 是伴隨條件:當主和…人貨物在一起時,就產生一種情緒,就用with。或是一件事發生後,主詞產生了一種情緒,也可以用with
- angry with
- She is furious with her brother for making a mess in her room.
她弟弟把她的房間弄的一團糟,她氣瘋了 - She was annoyed with her friend for not inviting her to the party.
她氣她的朋友沒邀請她參加派對 - I am happy with my life.對…感到滿意
- He is pleased with his promotion.他為升遷感到高興
- She was bored with the song. 她覺得那首歌很無聊,聽膩了
- I am fed up with my job.對工作感到厭倦,受夠了
- He is content with his life.對生活感到滿足
- They are delighted with their new house.很滿意新房子
- disappointed with
- His mother is satisfied with his progress.滿意於他的進步
- Many people are eager for quick success.
很多人渴求快速成功(急功近利)- success是目的 - I am grateful for your support. 感謝別人給予自己的幫助
我非常感謝你的支持 – your support是原因 - I am thankful for her.鬆了一口氣,還好沒事的(謝天謝地的味道)
還好有她在 - I am sorry for you.
為你感到難過 – 為別人的遭遇 - I am happy for you.為你感到高興
- sad for – 跟happy 用法一樣,只是意思是難過
- She is afraid of snakes.
- I am scared of the dark.
- I’ve got nothing to be ashamed of. 我行事磊落,沒做過什麼會讓我覺得內疚的事(沒對不起別人過)
- I am proud of you. 我以你為榮
- She is jealous of her friend’s wealth.對於別人擁有自己想要的東西的負面情緒 – 嫉妒
- I am envious of your house.想要擁有別人擁有的東西(非負面情緒)- 羨慕
by後面接著被動態的動詞的動作者:如果句子是被動態,真正引起主詞的情緒的動作者,要接在by後面。但是,因為英文不愛用被動態,除非不說出做動作者或不知道做動作者。如果要說出做動作者,他們大多會使用主動態。例如:The first time I saw Mary, she was talking as if she were a professor, which deeply impressed me.
- amazed by
- delighted by
- disturbed by
- excited by
- impressed by
- fascinated by
- inspired by
- astonished by
- I was shocked by his words. 對於你覺得錯誤的行為,產生不舒服的那種驚訝
- surprised by
- He is addicted to chocolate.上癮
- She is indifferent to the noise outside.不在乎,漠視