





  • 一種是移動be動詞或助動詞到主詞前 – 類似yes / no疑問句的造法
  • 第二種直接將普通動詞移到主詞前



我們先透過Yes / No疑問句,解釋第一種倒裝的手法:

  1. 當動詞是be動詞或完整的動詞組合的第一個字是be動詞時,就將be動詞移到主詞前面
  2. 當動詞是普通動詞,要依照單複數或是時態,生出do、does或did,將之放到主詞前面,且動詞改為原形。
  3. 當句子中的動詞前有助動詞,則直接移助動詞到主詞前。
  1. She is a girl. 
    Is she a girl?
  2. They study hard.
    –Do they study hard?
  3. Mike enjoys reading.
    –Does Mike enjoy reading?
  4. They will come tomorrow.
    –Will they come tomorrow?
  5. We have got what we want.
    –Have we got what we want?



  1. A: I don’t like apples. 
    B: Neither do I. 
  2. A: I went shopping yesterday.
    B: So did I.



寫作時,我們會使用對話來增加故事的真實性。例如:John said, “Are you going to school?” 這種句型就叫做直接引述句。當連續有許多直接引述句時,有時,為了不顯得呆板,我們會先寫出說話內容,再寫出說話者,這也是倒裝句的一種。要注意,這種直接將動詞移到主詞前面的倒裝句,主詞不可以用代名詞,也就是說,如果主詞是代名詞的話,就不能倒裝。

  • He said, “Can I go with you?” “No, I don’t think so,” said his mother.
    主詞his mother不是代名詞,可以倒裝
  • The woman looked at the boy and asked, “Who broke my window?” “I don’t know,” he said.

here / there句型

通常這種形式的倒裝句,如果動詞不是be動詞,口吻會比較正式。但是,有些在口語中也常使用。還記得,課本中的對話單元嗎?Here comes the bus.很熟吧!下面再介紹幾個例句:

  1. Here comes the girl.
  2. There goes all my money!
  3. Here he comes.


  1. Here is the change.
  2. Here is John.
  3. There is a table.
    這個句子中,主詞是a table,動詞是is,所以也是倒裝句的一種


  1. There he is.
  2. Here you are.




  1. 否定副詞在主詞前面,句子要倒裝
  2. nor句型 (否定連接詞)
  3. 補語移到主詞前面,句子要倒裝
  4. so…that跟such…that的句型,為了強調,可以將so與such的部分移到主詞前面,句子要倒裝
  5. only帶領的副詞片語在主詞前面,句子要倒裝
  6. 假設語氣的副詞子句的部分動詞為were、had、should,省略連接詞if,句子要倒裝,這樣的句子比較正式
  7. 被動態與進行式的Vpp跟Ving移到主詞前面,句子要倒裝
  8. the 比較級,the比較級的句型,當動詞是be動詞時,為了強調,可以將後面的句子倒裝
  9. as當連接詞,但語意為如同


  1. here / there句型
  2. 動詞為完全不及物動詞(例如:stand, lie, sit),為了強調地方副詞,可以將它移到句首,倒裝時,直接將完全不及物動詞移到主詞前。



當一個副詞,其意義是否定的時候,就叫做否定副詞,最為大家所熟悉的否定副詞就是not。為了強調否定的意味,我們可以把否定副詞移到主詞前面,這時,句子一定要倒裝。不過,否定副詞的型態可能只是一個字、也可能是一個片語、或一個子句前面加上not使它變成否定意味。進一步了解,請閱讀『hardly…when、no sooner…than跟 as soon as的用法解析與例句』。




  1. I have never been to Japan.
    — Never have I been to Japan.
  2. I seldom went there.
    Seldom did I go there.


  1. Little do I know about his girlfriend.
  2. Little did I understand what you were talking about.
  3. Little did he imagine how terrible the place would be.
  4. He rarely pays attention to his wife. 
    — Rarely does he pay attention to his wife.
  5. Rarely do we get to see the president. 
  6. Seldom have I seen such a beautiful view.
    第一到第六句中,little, rarely, seldom的意思都是幾乎沒有做過…,翻成中文,就是很少…
  1. The mother had hardly seen her child when she cried.
    –Hardly had the mother seen her child when she cried.
  2. Scarcely had I started my dinner when the phone rang.
  3. Barely had we finished the game when the rain started to fall.


否定副詞 – 片語


I have never heard of him before.
–Never before have I heard of him.

The man had no sooner seen the police than he ran away. 
— No sooner had the man seen the police than he ran away.

He will not only come back tomorrow, but he will also bring a lot of gifts for the kids.
Not only will he come back tomorrow but he will also bring a lot of gifts for the kids. 
在這個句子中,not only A but also B,因為A跟B是形容詞,在句中,not only修飾形容詞,所以是否定副詞。

提醒一下,考試時,請不要看到n0t only在句首,就急著要選倒裝的選項,要先判斷not only在句子中的功能是副詞嗎?
比較:Not only Mary but also John plays basketball well.
這個句子中,not only…but also連結Mary跟John當句子中的主詞,所以not only的功能並不是否定副詞,句子不能倒裝。



  1. I had no sooner arrived than they all started to laugh.
    No sooner had I arrived than they all started to laugh.
  2. No way are we going there.
  3. Nowhere were the kids more excited than in the amusement park.
  4. In no way am I going to do so.
    此句中,in no way是副詞片語,意思是絕不做…。因為片語中有no,導致它成為否定副詞,移到主詞前面時,句子要倒裝
  5. Under no circumstances should we allow this to happen.
  6. At no time should you go swimming alone.
  7. On no condition should children be exposed to drugs.
  8. On no account should little kids take away anything without asking their teachers first.
  9. In no case should people hurt others.


  1. The car was not only slow but it was also very old.
    –Not only was the car slow, but it was also very old.
  2. Not once did she look at me at the party.
  3. Not often does he attend parties.
  4. Not always did we know who was right.
  5. Not in a million years will I gamble again.
  6. Not before looking at it did I know what it was.
  7. Not for a moment did I think about him.

否定副詞 – 句子形式


I did not do my homework until my mother came back.
–Not until my mother came back did I do my homework.

  1. I did not know where I was until I asked a passer-by.
    –Not until I asked a passer-by did I know where I was.
  2. I did not believe what he told me until I saw it myself.
    –Not until I saw it myself did I believe what he told me.
  3. I have not seen such a  great movie since I was a child.
    –Not since I was a child have I seen such a great movie.




  1. Mary will not go, nor will her sister.
  2. John can’t speak English, nor can he speak French.
  3. No one has volunteered for the job, nor do we expect anyone to volunteer in the future.



  1. A dog was at the door.
    –At the door was a dog.
  2. A lot of people are in the park.
    –In the park are a lot of people.
  3. All the money we had lost was on the table.
    –On the table was all the money we had lost.
  4. Mary’s brother was happy about his acceptance into his dream school.
    –Happy about his acceptance into his dream school was Mary’s brother.
  5. The scenery of the little town in Central Canada is beautiful beyond belief.
    –Beautiful beyond belief is the scenery of the little town in Central Canada.

Few foreign governments recognize Chechnya, but independent it is.


當句子為被動態或進行式時,它的動詞結構為be Vpp(過去分詞)或是beVing(現在分詞),為了強調分詞,我們可以將分詞跟他後面的部分移到主詞前面,再將主詞跟be動詞倒裝。

  1. The market is located in the center of the city.
    –Located in the center of the city is the market.
  2. The days when all the family members gather on Chinese New Year’s Eve are gone.
    –Gone are the days when all the family members gather on Chinese New Year’s Eve.
  3. The forests in Southern Australia were burning out of control.
    –Burning out of control were the forests in Southern Australia.
  4. The boy with brown glasses was coming in last in the race.
    Coming in last in the race was the boy with brown glasses.

請注意:如果主詞是代名詞,則不可以倒裝:Cheating on tests is rampant at universities. Forbidden it is, but few students are punished for doing so.



Her son is so busy that she seldom sees him.
將so busy移到句首,her son is倒裝成is her son,再寫that子句
–So busy is her son that she seldom sees him.

He is such a smart boy that he learns quickly.
將such a smart boy移到句首,he is倒裝,再寫that子句
–Such a smart boy is he that he learns quickly.

了解了這種句型的倒裝過程後,可以多練習造這種倒裝句型,以便寫作時,增加文章的句型變化。以下, 我們再多舉幾個例子。

  1. I was so scared that I couldn’t move.
    –So scared was I that I couldn’t move.
  2. The music was so loud that I couldn’t work.
    –So loud was the music that I couldn’t work.
  3. They play the piano so loudly that the neighbors called the police.
    –So loudly did they play the piano that the neighbors called the police.
  4. It was such an awful day that we did not go hiking.
    –Such an awful day was it that we did not go hiking.
  5. My professor gave me such useful advice that everything went well.
    –Such useful advice did my professor give me that everything went well.


一般來說,句首副詞片語或子句前面,如果有only,句子就要倒裝。語意是:只有在這個情況下,主要句子所敘述的事情才成立,其他情況都不行 – 想想,這也有點像否定其他的情況的味道了,不是嗎?

  1. Only after the meeting did I realize the importance of the project.
  2. Only after she went to sleep was she able to relax.
  3. Only when the plane landed safely did he calm down.
  4. Only when I sleep can I forget about it.
  5. Only if you pay attention will you learn.
  6. Only now can I understand what really happened.
  7. Only then did I realized that I had lost my key.
  8. Only by studying hard will they pass the exams.
  9. Only in this way can I get my work done.

對於”only if”跟”if only”的語意跟用法差別有興趣的讀者,可以閱讀『應該用if only還是only if?同樣的字,位置不同,語意跟用法差很多』這篇文章。



I speak English better than my sister does.
–I speak English better than does my sister.


  1. Mark runs faster than do all his schoolmates.
  2. The boy is quieter than is his classmate.

The比較級, the 比較級

先來複習一下,The 比較級,the 比較級的句子。

The more, the better.越多越好
The more money she made, the better her family lived.她錢賺得越多,她家人生活過得越好

The more money she made, the better did her family live.

  1. The higher the eagle flew, the farther he could see.
    –The higher the eagle flew, the farther could he see.
  2. The longer I waited, the less patient I became.
    –The longer I waited, the less patient did I become.



  1. If you had come earlier, you would have met him.
    Had you come earlier, you would have met him.
  2. If Jane should come, let me know.
    Should Jane come, let me know.
  3. If I were the student, I wouldn’t say anything.
    Were I the student, I wouldn’t say anything.


前面有說到,here / there句型也是倒裝句,而且當動詞是come、go跟be動詞,常在口語使用。但是,如果不是的話,就會比較正式。要注意:這種句型如果主詞是代名詞,不能倒裝。下面我們舉幾個其他完全不及物動詞的例子

  1. Many people believe there exists life on Mars.
  2. There lived an old witch deep in the forest.
  3. There stands a soldier at the gate of the building.



  1. The man sat on the sofa.
    –On the sofa sat the man.
  2. The baby slept in the cradle.
    In the cradle slept the baby.




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