- alternate between A and B
例句:The lights alternate between red and green.
紅色與綠色的燈光輪流交替。 - alternate with something
例句:Rainy days often alternate with sunny days during spring.
春天時,雨天經常和晴天交替出現。 - alternate in sequence
例句:The colors alternate in sequence from light to dark.
顏色按照淺到深的順序交替排列的。 - alternate regularly
例句:The guards alternate regularly to ensure constant vigilance.
警衛定期輪換,以確保時刻保持警惕。 - alternate every [一段時間的概念]
例句:They alternate every two hours to share the driving.
- In this pattern, stripes alternate with dots.
在這種圖案中,條紋和點點交替出現。 - During the concert, the band will alternate between their old hits and new releases.
在音樂會上,樂隊將交替演出他們的舊熱門歌曲和新曲。 - The weather seems to alternate daily, sunny one day and rainy the next.
天氣似乎每天都在變化,今天晴天,明天下雨。 - He has a routine where he alternates between jogging and cycling.
他有一個習慣,那就是輪流慢跑和騎自行車。 - In this game, players alternate after each turn.
在這個遊戲中,玩家每回合要輪流替換。 - The teacher made the students alternate between reading and writing tasks.
老師讓學生在閱讀和寫作兩者間交替進行。 - In the sequence, numbers alternate between positive and negative.
在這個序列中,數字在正數和負數之間交替出現。 - She likes to alternate her daily routine to keep things interesting.
她喜歡改變她的日常生活,使事情保持有趣。 - The two teams alternate in defending and attacking positions.
兩隊在防守和進攻位置之間交替。 - They alternate between optimism and despair.
- switch 切換、交換 vi. 指的是改變或交替使用。
例句:The machine switches automatically between different modes.
機器會自動切換不同的模式。 - rotate 旋轉、輪流 vi. 指的是物體環繞其軸線進行或輪流進行某事。
例句:The workers rotate shifts every week.
工人每週輪班。 - oscillate 擺動、往返運動 vi. 指的是物體在兩點之間反覆移動。
例句:The pendulum of the clock oscillates back and forth.
鐘的擺錘來回擺動。 - fluctuate 波動、變動 vi. 指的是數值、數量或品質上下變化。
例句:The stock market prices fluctuate daily.
股市價格每天都在波動。 - vary 變化、差異 vi. 指的是使多樣化或不同。
例句:The symptoms of the disease can vary among individuals.
- alternate A with B
例句:She likes to alternate chocolate with vanilla in her dessert.
她喜歡在甜點中用巧克力交替香草(一層是巧克力味的,下一層是香草味的,然後再一層巧克力味的)。 - alternate layers
例句:The cake has alternate layers of cream and sponge.
這蛋糕有一層奶油和一層海綿蛋糕的輪流交替。 - alternate days
例句:The workshop is held on alternate days.
工作坊每隔一天舉行。 - alternate solutions
例句:The team brainstormed to come up with alternate solutions to the challenge.
- She likes to alternate jogging with swimming for her daily exercise.
她日常運動時,喜歡輪流交替慢跑和游泳。 - The chef alternated spicy dishes with mild ones throughout the meal.
整個用餐過程中,廚師交替使用辛辣菜餚和清淡菜餚(出菜順序)。 - The company has alternated between two marketing strategies this year.
該公司今年交替採用了兩種營銷策略。 - Will you alternate these colorful lights with the white ones for the party?
你能不能在派對上將這些彩燈和白燈交替擺放?(會使派對的燈光看起來更有趣和吸引人) - In the past, they alternated responsibility for the project every six months.
在過去,他們每六個月輪流負責該專案。 - If you alternate warm compresses with cold ones, it can help reduce swelling.
如果你交替使用熱敷和冷敷,可以幫助消腫。 - The school alternated online classes with in-person lessons during the pandemic.
在疫情期間,學校輪流用線上課程和面對面的課程上課。 - He alternated his attention between his work and the game.
他的注意力在他的工作和遊戲之間交替(一下子注意工作、一下子注意遊戲)。 - The director will alternate the main actors in tonight’s performance.
導演將在今晚的演出中輪換主要演員。 - The team had alternated their approach, but the results remained consistent.
- swap 交換、對調 vt. 指的是互換位置或物品。
例句:They decided to swap their seats during the concert.
他們決定在音樂會上交換座位。 - switch 切換、轉換 vt. 強調改變、轉移或中斷。
例句:She decided to switch her major to economics.
她決定將她的主修切換為經濟學。 - replace 替代、取代 vt. 表示用新的或不同的事物來替換原有的事物。
例句:I need to replace the old batteries in the remote.
我需要替換遙控器中的舊電池。 - interchange 互換、交替 vt. 指的是互相調換位置或功能。
例句:The two companies interchange information regularly.
這兩家公司定期互換信息。 - rotate 旋轉、輪流 vt. 表示按照順序輪流或交替。
例句:The manager decided to rotate the employees’ shifts.
- every alternate day
例句:She goes jogging every alternate day for her health.
她為了健康每隔一天都去慢跑。 - alternate layers
例句:Alternate layers of chocolate and vanilla make this dessert delicious.
這道甜點由巧克力和香草的交替層所組成,非常美味。 - alternate plan / strategy / approach / method
替代計劃 / 另一策略 / 替代方法 / 替代方法
例句:Always have an alternate plan in case things don’t go as expected.
總是有一個備用計劃,以防事情沒有按預期進行。 - alternate version
例句:They released an alternate version of the song.
他們發布了這首歌的不同版本。 - alternate route
例句:Due to the roadwork, we had to take an alternate route.
- The theater offers alternate seating arrangements.
這家劇院提供交替的座位安排。 - On this schedule, employees work on alternate days.
根據這個時間表,員工輪流工作。 - She served alternate layers of chocolate and vanilla.
她交替地擺放巧克力和香草層。 - Plants need an alternate supply of water and sunlight.
植物需要交替地供應水和陽光。 - You should alternate exercises for best results.
你應該輪流做運動以獲得最好的結果。 - She provided an alternate solution to the problem.
她為這個問題提供了一個替代方案。 - We took an alternate route to avoid the traffic.
我們選擇了另一條路線以避開交通。 - Alternate methods can be considered if this doesn’t work.
- substitute 替代的、代替的 adj. 強調用另一物或事物取代原有的,作為等價或近似的選擇。
例句:He used a substitute ingredient when baking.
他烘焙時使用了一種替代材料。 - alternative 另類的、可選擇的 adj. 強調存在不同的選擇或方法,通常與主流或常規不同。
例句:She chose an alternative path in her career.
她在職業生涯中選擇了一條不同的道路。 - secondary 次要的、副的 adj. 強調較不主要或不首要的地位或角色。
例句:The secondary effects of the medication were minimal.
藥物的次要副作用很小。 - auxiliary 輔助的、支援的 adj. 強調提供支持或協助的功能,增強或補充主要功能。
例句:The hospital has an auxiliary power generator.
這家醫院有一個輔助發電機。 - backup 備用的、替補的 adj. 強調作為後備或在需要時使用的。
例句:Make sure to have a backup plan in case of emergency.
- alternation 輪流、交替 n.
- alternating 交替的、隔天、隔周…發生 adj.
- alternately 交替出現地 adv.
- alternative 可替代的、可供選擇的、另類的、可供選擇的解決辦法