- courageous decision / action
勇敢的決定 / 行動
例句:He made a courageous decision.
他做了一個勇敢的決定 - a courageous struggle against something
例句:After a courageous struggle against cancer, she died at the age of thirty-five.
勇敢地與癌症對抗之後,她在三十五歲時去世了。 - courageous enough
例句:I do hope you will be courageous enough to publish this letter.
我真的希望你有足夠的勇氣發表這封信。 - It was courageous of somebody to do something.
例句:It was courageous of him to stand up to the school bully.
- He was courageous enough to admit that he was wrong.
他有勇氣承認錯誤。 - It was courageous of him to oppose his boss.
他真有勇氣,敢於反對他的老闆。 - Without his courageous actions, I might have died.
沒有他的勇敢的行動,我早就死了。 - Good fortune favors the brave and courageous.
好運眷顧勇敢勇敢的人。 - The teacher was amazingly courageous.
那老師非常勇敢。 - These students are courageous, strong, quick and agile.
- brave 勇敢的、英勇的 adj. 強調在極端困難或危險的情況下表現出的勇敢和果敢。
例句:The brave firefighter risked his life to save the trapped victims.
勇敢的消防員冒著生命危險,拯救被困的受害者。 - valiant 英勇的、勇猛的 adj. 指在戰鬥或極端危險的狀況下表現出的勇猛和無畏。
例句:The valiant soldier fought to protect his comrades during the ambush.
在伏擊戰中,英勇的士兵奮勇戰鬥以保護他的戰友。 - bold 大膽的、果敢的 adj. 表示在行動或決策中表現出的大膽和冒險精神。
例句:She made a bold decision to start her own business.
她大膽地決定創立自己的企業。 - fearless 無畏的、大膽的 adj. 指在面對危險或困難時表現出的無所畏懼和勇敢。
例句:The fearless activist continued to fight for human rights despite numerous threats.
儘管面臨諸多威脅,無畏的維權人士繼續為人權而戰。 - dauntless 勇敢的、無畏的 adj. 表示在困難或恐懼面前堅定不移、無所畏懼的態度。
例句:The dauntless explorer ventured into the uncharted territory.
- courage 勇氣 n.
- courageously 勇敢地 adv.
- encourage 鼓勵、促進 vt.
- encouraged 受到鼓舞的 adj.
- encouraging 振奮人心的、令人鼓舞的 adj.
- encouragement 鼓勵、激勵 n.
- discourage 使洩氣、給…潑冷水、阻撓 vt.
- discouragement 洩氣、垂頭喪氣、心灰意冷 n.