- from/ at the distance
例句:From a distance she looks like Jolin.
遠遠地看她的話,她看上去很像蔡依林。 - in the distance
例句:I could see a small figure in the distance.
我可以看到遠處有一個小小的身影。 - the distance from A to B
例句:The distance from my house to the station is 5 kilometers.
從我家到車站的距離是5公里。 - put some distance between A and B
例句:She decided to put some distance between herself and her past.
她決定與自己的過去保持一定的距離。 - be in a long distance relationship
例句:He is in a long distance relationship with someone living overseas.
他和住在海外的某人保持著遠距戀愛關係。 - be a short distance from
例句:The supermarket is a short distance from my house.
超市離我家很近。 - be within walking distance / a short driving distance
在步行範圍內 / 在開車不用多久的範圍內
例句:The beach is within walking distance from the hotel.
海灘距離酒店是步行範圍。 - keep a safe distance from…
例句:Keep a safe distance from the vehicle in front of you while driving.
開車時,保持與前方車輛的安全距離。 - A be at a considerable distance from B
例句:The nearest town is at a considerable distance from the village.
最近的城鎮距離這個村莊有相當遠的距離。 - distance learning
例句:The pandemic has forced many students to adapt to distance learning.
這場疫情迫使許多學生適應遠程學習。 - a measurable distance
例句:The nearest gas station is not within a measurable distance, so make sure to fill up before leaving.
- Despite the distance, they maintained a strong relationship.
儘管距離遠,他們仍然維持了牢固的關係(關係依然親密)。 - Many popular tourist attractions are within a short driving distance.
許多受歡迎的旅遊景點都在短程開車範圍內。 - The distance between the two cities is about 200 miles.
兩座城市之間的距離大約是200英里。 - The distance from the Earth to the Moon varies slightly throughout the month.
從地球到月球的距離在整個月份中會略有變化。 - You need to keep your distance from wild animals.
你需要與野生動物保持距離。 - The runner finished the long distance race in record time.
跑者以破紀錄的時間完成了長距離賽跑。 - During the pandemic, many schools switched to distance learning.
在疫情期間,許多學校轉向遠程學習。 - The hikers underestimated the distance to the summit and had to turn back.
- gap 間隙、空白 n. 指的是物理空間、時間、意見等方面的分隔或間隔。
例句:There is a significant gap between the two buildings.
這兩棟建築物之間有一個顯著的間隙。 - interval 間隔、間隙 n. 指的是時間、空間或者數量上的間距。
例句:We took a short break at regular intervals during the journey.
在旅途中,我們定期休息一下。 - separation 分隔、分離 n. 指的是物質、人或思想上的分開。
例句:The separation of the two countries was a historic event.
兩個國家的分裂是一個歷史性的事件。 - spacing 間距、間隔 n. 指的是物件之間或者事物之間的空間距離。
例句:Correct spacing between the words is important for readability.
單字之間的正確間距對於可讀性很重要(會影響閱讀理解)。 - range 範圍、距離 n. 指的是事物的範疇、擴展或距離。
例句:The mountain range is visible from a great distance.
- distance themselves from
例句:Some people find it necessary to distance themselves from toxic relationships.
- He moved to a different city to distance himself from his troubled past.
他搬到了另一個城市,以遠離他麻煩的過去。 - He distanced himself from the controversial opinions of his colleague.
他與同事有爭議的觀點保持距離。 - She has been distancing herself from the group in recent months.
- separate 分開、隔開 vt. 表示使兩個或多個事物或人不再保持聯繫或在一起。
例句:They decided to separate after 10 years of marriage.
在結婚10年後,他們決定分居。 - isolate 隔離、孤立 vt. 表示使某人或某事與其他人或事物隔離或不再有聯繫。
例句:The patient was isolated due to the contagious nature of the illness.
由於那疾病具有傳染性,病人被隔離。 - alienate 疏遠、使疏遠 vt. 表示使某人感到不受歡迎、不被接納或不再與某人有親密的聯繫。
例句:His behavior gradually alienated his friends.
他的行為逐漸使他與朋友漸離漸遠(可能是因為他的行為讓他的朋友感到不舒服、不受歡迎或不被重視,導致他們不再想與他親近或保持親密的聯繫)。 - detach 分開、分離 vt. 表示從一個事物中移除或取下另一個事物。
例句:He had to detach himself from the situation to think clearly.
他必須把自己從情境中抽離出來,才能清楚地思考。 - divorce 離婚、使分開 vt. 表示結束婚姻關係或使兩個人不再有正式的聯繫。
例句:They had to divorce due to irreconcilable differences.
- distant 遙遠的、遠方的、遠親的、拒人千里的、不親近的、冷漠的 adj.
- distantly 遙遠地、遠遠地、冷漠地、冷冷地 adv.