- be ignorant of the facts
例句:He was completely ignorant of the facts and made an uninformed decision.
他對事實一無所知,做出了一個不明智的決定。 - be ignorant of the truth
例句:Many are still ignorant of the truth behind the incident.
許多人仍然不知道事件背後的真相。 - be ignorant of the risks
例句:Investors were ignorant of the risks involved in the venture.
投資者對企業所涉及的風險一無所知。 - be ignorant about the situation
例句:They were ignorant about the situation and failed to react appropriately.
他們對情況一無所知,也未能做出適當反應。 - be ignorant about the culture
例句:As a traveler, it’s important not to be ignorant about the culture of the countries you visit.
作為一名旅行者,了解你所到訪國家的文化很重要,不應該對此ㄧ無所知。 - be ignorant about the process
例句:He was completely ignorant about the process of applying for a visa.
他對申請簽證的過程完全不瞭解。 - be ignorant about the subject
例句:She admitted she was ignorant about the subject of the debate.
- He was ignorant of the basic rules of the game.
他對遊戲的基本規則一無所知。 - They were ignorant of the consequences of their actions.
他們不知道自己行為會造成什麼後果。 - They remained ignorant about the facts of the case.
他們對案件的事實依然一無所知。 - Her comment revealed how ignorant she was about the situation.
她的評論顯示了她對於這種情況有多無知。 - It’s dangerous to be ignorant of the risks involved.
對於涉及的風險一無所知是很危險的。 - He’s not stupid, just ignorant about this particular topic.
他不是愚蠢,只是對這個特定主題不了解。 - Being ignorant of the local language made communication difficult.
不了解當地語言使得溝通變得困難。 - She was completely ignorant of the cultural norms there.
她完全不知道那裡的文化規範。 - Admitting you’re ignorant is the first step to learning.
承認自己的無知是學習的第一步。 - We were ignorant of the impact our actions would have.
- uninformed 不了解的、無知的 adj. 表示缺乏足夠的信息或知識。
例句:The debate was difficult because some participants were uninformed about the topic.
由於一些參與者對話題不了解,辯論變得困難。 - unaware 不知道的、未意識到的 adj. 指一個人不知道或未意識到某事。
例句:She was unaware of the changes that had been made.
她不知道已經做出了哪些改變。 - uneducated 未受教育的、無知的 adj. 強調缺乏正式教育或特定知識領域的知識。
例句:Despite being uneducated, he was very wise in the ways of the world.
儘管沒有受過教育,但他非常懂得人情世故。 - naive 天真的、幼稚的 adj. 表示一個人缺乏經驗,對事情的真實性或複雜性有一種天真的不了解。
例句:His naive approach to the business deal cost him dearly.
他對這筆生意的天真態度讓他付出了慘痛的代價。 - clueless 一無所知的、無線索的 adj. 指一個人完全不知道發生了什麼,或對某事一無所知。
例句:He was clueless about how to fix the problem.