- overcome one’s limitations
例句:She worked hard to overcome her limitations in math.
她努力工作以克服她在數學上的限制。 - one’s physical limitations
例句:Despite his physical limitations, he remains active and positive.
儘管有身體上的限制,他仍保持著積極和活躍的生活態度。 - time limitations
例句:Due to time limitations, we had to prioritize our tasks.
由於時間有限,我們必須優先考慮我們的任務。 - legal limitations
例句:The organization must operate within legal limitations.
組織必須在法律限制內運作。 - technical limitations
例句:The project’s potential was hampered by technical limitations.
該專案的潛力受到技術限制的阻礙。 - personal limitations
例句:Understanding personal limitations is key to self-improvement.
理解自身的局限性是自我提升的關鍵。 - budgetary limitations
例句:Our plans were adjusted due to budgetary limitations.
我們的計劃因預算有限而做了調整。 - the statute of limitations
例句:The case was dismissed because of the statute of limitations.
該案因已過時效而被駁回。 - remove limitations of something
例句:The new technology aims to remove limitations of current systems.
新技術旨在消除當前系統的局限性。 - acknowledge one’s limitations
例句:It’s important to acknowledge your limitations and seek help when needed.
- The main limitation of this study is its small sample size.
這項研究的主要限制是其樣本量小。 - Despite his limitations, he has achieved great success.
儘管有其局限性,他還是取得了巨大的成功。 - Despite his physical limitations, he excels in sports.
儘管有身體上的局限,他在體育方面表現卓越。 - The software has certain limitations that affect its performance.
這個軟體有一些限制,影響了其性能。 - One of the limitations of this approach is the lack of detailed data.
這種方法的限制之一是缺乏詳細數據。 - We must understand our own limitations to improve.
我們必須了解自己的局限性才能進步。 - She overcame her limitations and achieved her goals.
她克服了自身能力的限制,實現了她的目標。 - The contract has a limitation period of five years.
該合約的時效期限為五年。 - The project’s success is subject to budgetary limitations.
這個專案的成功受到預算限制的影響。 - His greatest limitation is his lack of experience.
他最大的限制是缺乏經驗。 - Living in the country is fine, but it does have its limitations – for example, you have to drive a long way to do the grocery shopping.
- restriction 限制 n. 指對某事物的範圍、數量或自由進行的限定。
例句:The new policy imposes certain restrictions on internet usage.
新政策對網路使用施加了一定的限制。 - constraint 約束 n. 強調對行動或選擇的限制,通常是由外部因素造成的。
例句:Budget constraints affected the scope of the project.
預算限制影響了專案的範圍。 - boundary 界限 n. 指明確的或象徵性的分界線,用於限定範圍或區域。
例句:She respects the boundaries of her professional and personal life.
她尊重她的職業和個人生活的界限(能夠有效地區分工作和私生活,並且在兩者之間保持適當的平衡)。 - barrier 障礙 n. 強調阻礙進展或成就某事的障礙或限制。
例句:Language barriers can make communication difficult.
語言障礙會使溝通變得困難。 - ceiling 上限 n. 特指限制的最高點,常用於描述數量或程度的最大限制。
例句:There is a ceiling on how much you can withdraw from the ATM each day.
每天從 ATM 提領的金額有上限。
- limit 限制、界限 n.
- limited 有限的、受限制的 adj.
- limitless 無限的、無邊無際的 adj.
- unlimited 無限的、不受限制的 adj.
- delimit 劃定…的界限、界定 vt.
- delimiter 分隔符號 n.