- spread something on something
例句:He spread butter on the bread before eating it.
他在麵包上塗了奶油後才吃。 - spread rumors
例句:They spread rumors about him, but none of it was true.
註:這裡的 it 是指所有謠言的內容(抽象),而不是一條條的謠言 - spread the news
例句:She quickly spread the news of her promotion to her friends.
她很快遞將自己升遷的消息傳給朋友們知道。 - spread something over something
例句:He spread the blanket over the grass for the picnic.
他將毯子鋪在草地上用來野餐。 - spread something evenly (on the surface)
例句:Make sure to spread the paint evenly on the surface.
一定要將顏料均勻地塗在表面上。 - spread the word about something
例句:Please spread the word about the upcoming event.
請幫忙傳播即將舉辦的活動消息。 - spread ideas (about something) (to somebody)
例句:The professor spread ideas about environmental conservation to his students.
- Her smile always spreads happiness to those around her.
她的微笑總是將快樂傳遞給身邊的人。 - The movie spread fear among the audience with its intense scenes.
這部電影的幾個緊張的場景讓觀眾感到恐懼。 - The teacher spread the worksheets across the table.
老師把學習單攤開在桌上。 - They are spreading false information to confuse the public.
他們正在散播假消息以混淆公眾。 - Farmers spread seeds in the fields during planting season.
農民在播種季節時,將種子撒在田地裡。 - The company quickly spread its influence across the region.
這家公司迅速將其影響力擴展到該地區。 - By the time we arrived, the fire had already spread to several houses.
當我們到達時,火已經蔓延到好幾棟房子。 - They spread fertilizer on the fields to help the crops grow.
他們在田地裡撒上肥料以幫助作物生長。 - She is spreading kindness by helping tho
她幫助有需要的人,流露出他的善心。 - The rumor was quickly spread by word of mouth.
- distribute 分配、分發 vt. 表示將某物分給多人或散佈於多個地方。
例句:The volunteers distributed food to the homeless.
志工將食物分發給無家可歸的人。 - extend 延伸、擴展 vt. 表示將某物延伸到更遠的地方。
例句:The company plans to extend its services to rural areas.
公司計劃將服務擴展到鄉村地區。 - expand 擴大、增加 vt. 表示使某物在範圍或數量上增加或變大。
例句:They expanded the business to include international markets.
他們將業務擴展到國際市場。 - scatter 撒、分散 vt. 表示將某物分散在不同地方,通常無特定規律。
例句:She scattered the seeds across the garden.
她將種子撒在花園裡。 - disperse 驅散、散佈 vt. 表示使群體或物體分散開來或散播開去。
例句:The police dispersed the crowd after the protest.
- spread through something
穿過某物 / 遍及某地
例句:Laughter spread through the room as the comedian spoke.
當喜劇演員講話時,笑聲傳遍了整個房間。 - spread across something
蔓延到某地 / 遍佈某地
例句:The fire spread across the forest in a matter of hours.
幾個小時內,火勢就延燒了整片森林。 - spread to somewhere
傳播到某地 / 蔓延到某地
例句:The disease spread to neighboring countries within weeks.
這種疾病在幾週內就傳播到鄰國。 - spread over something
例句:A layer of ice spread over the lake during the cold night.
寒冷的夜晚,湖面結了一層冰。 - spread out
伸展 / 分散
例句:The crowd began to spread out as the event ended.
活動結束後,人群開始分散開來。 - spread along something
例句:The wildfire spread along the hillside rapidly.
野火沿著山坡迅速地蔓延開來。 - spread around something
例句:Small shops spread around the city center.
小商店分佈在市中心周圍。 - spread over time
例句:The habit of recycling has spread over time.
回收的習慣隨著時間,逐漸普及。 - spread like wildfire
例句:The rumor spread like wildfire among the students.
- Over the years, his influence has spread far and wide.
多年來,他的影響力已經廣泛傳播開來。 - Stories about his generosity quickly spread around.
關於他慷慨的故事很快傳遍了四處。 - Rumors about the new policy spread across the town.
關於新政策的謠言在全城散播開來。 - Happiness seems to spread whenever she enters the room.
每當她進入房間時,快樂似乎就傳開了。 - The flu is spreading fast this winter.
今年冬天,流感正在迅速傳播。 - As the sun rose, a warm light spread over the valley.
隨著太陽升起,一道溫暖的光芒蔓延到山谷。 - The smoke spread throughout the building, making it hard to see.
煙霧瀰漫整棟建築,讓人難以看清。 - News of the discovery spread among scientists in no time.
這項發現的消息很快就在科學家之間傳開了。 - The oil spill spread into the nearby rivers, causing major damage.
石油洩漏蔓延到附近的河流,造成了重大破壞。 - Silence spread across the room as everyone awaited the announcement.
當大家等待公告時,房間裡瀰漫著一片寂靜。 - A thick fog spread over the city this morning.
- expand 擴展、擴大 vi. 指某事物的範圍或規模逐漸變大。
例句:The city expanded rapidly over the last decade.
這座城市在過去十年裡迅速擴展。 - grow 增長、成長 vi. 描述數量、規模或影響力逐漸增加。
例句:The demand for electric cars continues to grow.
對電動汽車的需求持續增長。 - circulate 流通、傳播 vi. 描述某事物在一個範圍內移動或被傳遞。
例句:News about the event circulated quickly in the community.
關於這個事件的消息在社區裡迅速傳開。 - move 移動、流動 vi. 描述事物從一個地方轉向另一個地方。
例句:The water moved slowly down the river.
水慢慢地沿著河流動。 - flow 流動、湧動 vi. 描述液體、氣體或某事物不斷地移動或傳播。
例句:Information flows easily in the digital age.
- the spread of something
某事物的擴散 / 傳播
例句:The spread of the disease worried the entire community.
疾病的擴散讓整個社區感到擔憂。 - a wide spread of something
例句:There was a wide spread of food on the table for the party.
派對的桌上擺滿了各式各樣的食物。 - a thick spread of something
例句:A thick spread of fog covered the entire valley in the early morning.
清晨,一層濃霧覆蓋了整個山谷。 - spread sheet
表單 / 資料表
例句:He organized the data into a clear spread sheet.
- The spread of the new technology is changing the way we live.
新科技的普及正在改變我們的生活方式。 - The spread of rumors caused unnecessary panic in the town.
謠言的傳播在城鎮中引起了不必要的恐慌。 - The map shows the spread of the population across the country.
地圖顯示了全國人口的分佈情況。 - She prepared a delicious spread for the family dinner.
她為家庭晚餐準備了一份豐盛的佳餚。 - The spread of ideas through social media is incredibly fast.
透過社群媒體傳播想法的速度極快。 - The spread of the virus was slowed down thanks to strict measures.
- expansion 擴展、擴張 n. 強調某事物的範圍或數量增加。
例句:The expansion of the company created many job opportunities.
公司的擴展創造了許多就業機會。 - distribution 分佈、分配 n. 指事物在某範圍內的分佈情況或資源的分配過程。
例句:The distribution of resources in the region is uneven.
該地區的資源分佈不均。 - growth 增長、增大 n. 強調數量、範圍或重要性的增加。
例句:The rapid growth of the city has brought many challenges.
城市的快速增長帶來了許多挑戰。 - increase 增加、提升 n. 指數量、程度等的上升或提高。
例句:There has been an increase in the spread of information through digital platforms.
透過數位平台傳播資訊的數量有所增加。 - coverage 涵蓋範圍、覆蓋 n. 描述某事物的範圍或程度,常用於媒體報導或範圍的延伸。
例句:The news coverage of the event highlighted its importance.
- spreader 傳播者、傳播工具 n.
- spreading 擴散的、散佈的 adj.
- widespread 廣泛的、普遍的 adj.
- spreadable 可塗抹的、可擴散的 adj.