- it is somebody’s responsibility to do something
例句:It’s everyone’s responsibility to follow the rules.
遵守規則是每個人的責任。 - have a responsibility to someone
例句:Schools have a responsibility to their students to provide a safe and conducive learning environment.
學校有責任提供學生安全、有利的學習環境。 - take responsibility for
例句:He decided to take responsibility for his actions.
他決定為自己的行為承擔責任。 - accept responsibility for …
例句:She accepted responsibility for the project’s failure.
她承擔了該專案失敗的責任。 - avoid responsibility
例句:He tried to avoid responsibility by blaming others.
他試圖透過指責他人來逃避責任(將過錯推到別人身上)。 - fulfill one’s responsibility
例句:It’s important to fulfill your responsibilities at work.
履行工作職責很重要。 - have no sense of responsibility
例句:She has no sense of responsibility.
他沒有絲毫責任心。 - the responsibility of somebody to do something
例句:The teacher emphasized the responsibility of students to complete their homework on time.
老師強調學生有責任要按時完成作業。 - have a personal responsibility to do something
例句:Everyone has a personal responsibility to reduce their carbon footprint.
每個人都有責任減少自己的碳足跡。 - legal responsibility
例句:The company faces legal responsibility for the pollution it caused.
該公司將對其造成的污染承擔法律責任。 - a shared responsibility / a moral responsibility
共同責任 / 道德責任
例句:Protecting the environment is a shared responsibility of all citizens.
- Taking responsibility for your actions is a sign of maturity.
為自己的行為負責是成熟的表現。 - We all have a moral responsibility to help those in need.
我們都有道德責任幫助那些需要幫助的人。 - Companies are increasingly aware of their social responsibility.
公司越來越意識到他們的社會責任。 - As a team leader, he bears the responsibility for the project’s success.
身為團隊領導,他承擔著專案成功的責任。 - Environmental protection is a shared responsibility among all countries.
環境保護是所有國家共同的責任。 - Parents have the responsibility to provide for their children.
父母有責任供養他們的孩子。 - She accepted responsibility for the mistake and apologized.
她承認自己對這個錯誤負有責任並道歉。 - The company takes its social responsibility seriously.
這家公司認真對待其社會責任。 - With great power comes great responsibility.
擁有權利的同時也被賦予了重大的責任。 - Handing over responsibility to someone else can be challenging.
將工作或任務轉交給其他人負責有些困難。 - Who has responsibility here?
這裡誰是負責人? - The job carries a lot of responsibility.
- duty 責任、義務 n. 強調根據職位、角色或道德原則應履行的行為。
例句:It’s your duty to ensure the safety of your team members.
確保你團隊成員的安全是你的責任。 - obligation 義務 n. 指因法律、規則或道德而必須履行的責任。
例句:We have an obligation to protect the environment for future generations.
我們有義務保護環境,為未來世代留下資源。 - accountability 責任追究 n. 指對自己的行為或決定能夠被要求解釋和承擔後果的特性。
例句:The new policy increases accountability in government spending.
新政策加強了政府支出的問責制。 - charge 負責、責任 n. 強調被賦予的特定責任或管理的職責。
例句:He took charge of the project and led it to completion.
他負責那個專案,並成功地將其完成。 - commitment 承諾、致力 n. 指對某事業或行動的堅定承諾和投入。
例句:Her commitment to excellence is evident in her work.
- responsible 負責任的 adj.
- responsibly 負責地 adv.
- irresponsibly 不負責任地 adv.
- irresponsible 不負責任的 adj.
- responsive 反應靈敏的 adj.
- responsiveness 反應性、回應性 n.
- responsively 敏感地、反應良好地 adv.
- unresponsive 無反應的、不回應的 adj.
- unresponsiveness 無反應性、不回應性 n.
- unresponsively 不反應地、不敏感地 adv.
- response 回答、回應、反應 n.
- respond 回應、回答 v.
- responder 回應者、反應者 n.
- respondent 回答者、受訪者 n.